Free bring your mom to workout day @ Crossfit Hyperformance Athletics, Savannah

Crossfit Hyperformance for Kids Savannah

Free bring your mom to workout day @ Crossfit Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah  Sat. May 12 2018, 10:15AM


Guest Post by Jennifer McKenzie, owner of Crossfit Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah

It’s called Exercise Deficit Disorder.

And it’s a problem, especially for our children.

Changes in our lifestyle over the last few generations (consuming more high calorie, low nutrient food and moving less) are the primary cause of increased obesity rates in our kids. It’s far more than genetic. And it’s not slowing down anytime soon.

Sedentary behavior is contributing to the decline of health indicators in children and adults, with behavior patterns beginning to emerge as soon as age 6 and worsening into adulthood. The shift in activity pattern has now been coined “Exercise Deficit Disorder”. We believe that being healthy is more than having good physical markers. It’s also having the ability to learn new things, focus, control emotions, make friends, and feel generally happy. As parents, we want our kids to be healthy in mind and body.

The youth program at  Crossfit Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah specifically addresses these issues. As a Crossfit Kids Affiliate, “The program is comprised of elements designed to reduce Exercise Deficit Disorder and poor lifestyle choices: laying the foundational movement patterns, providing children with a portion of the prescribed amount of exercise for the week, improving muscular and cardiovascular fitness, discussing the roles of food, and providing endless opportunities for success – all while keeping the class and it’s information fun and engaging.” From Crossfit Kids Training Guide.

The purpose of the Hyperformance Youth program is to attack the prevalence of Exercise Deficit Disorder. Classes for rising 1st through 5th grade students happen every Wednesday at 3:30PM and Saturday at 10:15AM.

Join Crossfit Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah for a free trial class today.  Email or call 912-335-3615.

Free bring your mom to workout day : Sat. May 12 2018, 10:15AM

CrossFit Hyperformance​, 904 E. 70th St.Savannah, 31405
email, tel: 912-335-3615, CrossFit Hyperformance is a advertiser 

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