Free Family Event: FIT Kids Fest Junior League of Savannah Event, Feb. 18

Junior League of Savannah’s FREE Fit Kids Fest Event
Fit Minds, Fit Bodies, Fit Kids!
Children (K-12) are welcomed to join the fun at the Junior League of Savannah’s 11th Annual Fit Kids Fest on Sat. Feb. 18 2023, 1-4PM at the Savannah Children’s Museum!
We understand that children are at their best when they are healthy, so we are here to help spread awareness and share health and wellness resources in our community!
All children in Savannah and surrounding communities, along with their parents, are invited to participate in this fun, interactive day filled with activities, entertainment, vendors, and more!
The first 150 children at the event will also receive a FREE T-shirt.
Learn more here.
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