Join Moms in Training in Savannah at discounted rate with promo code
Interested in joining Moms in Training in Savannah, a social way to get in shape, meet other moms, train for a 5K or half-relay & help fight cancer? You can!
Over the past few weeks, we’ve been introducing you to your Moms in Training captains who will be encouraging you during your Saturday mornings runs in Daffin Park.
Today we’re introducing you to James (pictured here) – the Moms In Training Honored Hero this season.
James is 4 years old and was diagnosed with T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in August of 2013. James has gone through quite a bit in his short life. He’s endured chemo, radiation, bone marrow biopsies, transfusions and many more procedures.
Expected to be done with treatment in December of 2016, James is a happy boy who loves video games, super heroes, trucks…all things little boy. He has good days and some not so good days as a side effect from his treatment.
With all that he has been through, his family says they are so very thankful that most days he is just a wild little boy.
Moms In Training is a way to help cancer patients like James.
Moms in Training includes weekly Saturday morning training sessions (8-9 am at Daffin Park).
Meet at the corner of Waters & Washington. Walkers, runners and strollers welcome.
Join today for only $25 with coupon code SAVMAMA at or contact for more info.
RSVP to or call or 912-436-3273.
To learn more about Moms In Training, click here. 5K or Half Relay options.
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