Archive for the ‘Girls on the Run’ Category

Fall 2019 5K Celebration Run

Wednesday, October 16th, 2019

Girls on the Run 5K Savannah

You & your family are invited to partake in this kid-friendly community event: 5K Celebration Run 2019 on Sat. Nov. 9 2019 hosted by Girls on the Run of the Coastal Georgia & Lowcountry.

Each season, Girls on the Run celebrates girls completing the Girls on the Run curriculum with a 5K which they have been training for, learning life skills, conflict resolution, relationship building, & how to make intentional decisions, all with a running component!

Community runners are invited come out for this FUN RUN in Savannah.

8:30AM registration & games
10AM start for the Happiest Run In Town

Registration before 10/31/19 for $30 guarantees your t-shirt, finishers metal, & ALL the fun.
After 10/31/19 it will be $35 & T-shirts will be on a first come first serve.


Questions? Email

Fall 2019 Celebration 5K
@Savannah State University
3219 College St. Savannah
Sat. Nov. 9, 2019
Hosted by Girls on the Run of Coastal Georgia and Lowcountry


Register for Girls on the Run of Coastal Georgia

Friday, August 12th, 2016

Girls on the Run Coastal Georgia Savannah

Register your daughter for a program that aims to help increase her self esteem, joy, confidence and physical activity while making healthy life choices: Girls on the Run of Coastal Georgia.

Girls on the Run is an empowerment program for girls in grades 3 – 8 which weaves running with a character development curriculum that encourages preteen girls to develop self-respect and healthy lifestyles.


Girls on the Run of Coastal Georgia after-school program
Aug. 29-Nov. 15 2016
GOTR 5K on Nov.12 in Savannah
Register online here or email or call 912.349.1528


Girls on the Run Coastal Georgia Savannah Girls on the Run of Coastal Georgia programs are delivered in the spring and fall each year at 50 different sites. Teams – each consisting of up to 20 girls – meet twice a week, usually right after school, for 90 minutes and are led by three trained coaches.

Lessons include subjects such as emotional health, values, cooperation, strategies for peer pressure, social media and bullying and standing up for oneself. The program finishes with a celebration event that includes a community 5k run/walk.

Girls on the Run of Coastal Georgia program will begin the week of Aug. 29 and run through November 15 following the Girls on the Run 5K on Nov. 12. Registration is currently open online or through paper registration forms available at the GOTR Office on Eisenhower Drive.


Girls on the Run Coastal Georgia Savannah Sign up to coach

GOTR is always looking for community volunteers to work with the girls. All volunteers will have background checks, CPR and AED Certification and first aid training at our expense. GOTR provides thorough training for all coaches covering the logistics of the program, general tips about coaching, and the program’s curriculum.


You may register your girl or volunteer to coach through at, email Director Beth Aldrich at or call the office at 912.349.1528 for more information.

Follow Girls on the Run of Coastal Georgia on Facebook here.

Girls on the Run Coastal Georgia is a advertiser