Archive for the ‘Girls Golf & Fitness’ Category

Free Junior Golf Clinic with A-SWING Junior Golf Academy, Savannah

Sunday, October 20th, 2024

Free 2024 Junior Golf Clinic, Savannah

Sign your child up for a Free Junior Golf Clinic with The A-SWING Junior Golf Academy in Savannah on Sat. Nov. 2 2024.

The A-SWING Junior Golf Academy is hosting two FREE junior golf clinics: one for ages 6 – 7 at 2PM and another for ages 8 – 11 at 3PM.

If you are searching for a fun and rewarding activity for your child, register for the free class and find out if golf is their sport. 

Visit to sign up or learn more about The A-SWING Junior Golf Academy’s 8-week classes.

Sign up directly for the free Nov. 2 clinic for ages 8-11 online here.

Sign up directly for the free Nov. 2 clinic for ages 6-7 online here.


The A-SWING Junior Golf Academy is a advertiser

Junior Golf Classes in Savannah for ages 6 to middle school

Tuesday, October 8th, 2024

A-SWING Junior Golf Academy Winter Golf Classes, Savannah

Winter Junior Golf Classes start the first week of November.

A-SWING Junior Golf Academy Winter Golf Classes begin the week of Nov. 3 2024.

Classes are open for boys and girls ages 6 years- middle schoolers. All classes are held indoors at the Savannah Indoor Golf Club, which is located in the strip mall at Eisenhower and Waters Ave.

For additional information or to register, visit

Space is limited. 


The Golf Swing Studio is a advertiser

Free Junior Golf Clinic with A-SWING Junior Golf Academy, Savannah

Monday, October 7th, 2024

Free 2024 Junior Golf Clinic, Savannah

Sign your child up for a Free Junior Golf Clinic with The A-SWING Junior Golf Academy in Savannah on Sat. Nov. 2 2024.

The A-SWING Junior Golf Academy is hosting two FREE junior golf clinics: one for ages 6 – 7 at 2PM and another for ages 8 – 11 at 3PM.

If you are searching for a fun and rewarding activity for your child, register for the free class and find out if golf is their sport. 

Visit to sign up or learn more about The A-SWING Junior Golf Academy’s 8-week classes.

Sign up directly for the free Nov. 2 clinic for ages 8-11 online here.

Sign up directly for the free Nov. 2 clinic for ages 6-7 online here.


The A-SWING Junior Golf Academy is a advertiser

(Savannah Summer Camps 2024) Golf Camp for Children Ages Kindergarten-6th Grade

Friday, April 12th, 2024

Savannah golf camp for kids ages kindergarten-6th grade

Learn to play golf in a weeklong junior golf camps this summer with The Golf Swing Studio @ Mary Calder Golf Club in Savannah.

Camps are for kids ages kindergarten thru 6th grade.

Learn from Coach Paul in this fun, interactive and structured environment. 

Learn more & sign up here


The Golf Swing Studio is a advertiser

Registration open for Indoor PGA Junior League Golf in Savannah

Friday, April 12th, 2024

Indoor PGA Junior Golf League in Savannah

The PGA Junior League is for boys and girls ages 10 -13 years old that are new or experienced in golf. The class will have a weekly class and a Sunday match… guaranteed with set start and end times.

All classes and matches will be indoors at the Savannah Indoor Golf Club with its Trackman 4 launch monitors. 

For additional information, visit 


The Golf Swing Studio is a advertiser

Spring 2024 golf classes for ages 5-12, Savannah

Friday, February 9th, 2024

A-SWING Junior Golf Spring Semester Classes, Savannah

Give your child the gift of golf.

Kids that play golf discover a love for the game while developing the discipline and character traits thru active participation. We have fun while learning the challenging game of golf, but your child will develop at their pace while following our curriculum.

Visit to find a class that fits your schedule and join us!

Classes offered for ages 5-7 & 8-12.

The next session of classes start soon. Sign up here.


Free Junior Golf Clinics in Savannah on Sat. Feb. 24

The A-SWING Junior Golf Academy is hosting two FREE junior golf clinics on Sat. Feb. 24 2024: one for ages 5-7 years at 2-3PM and second for ages 8-11at 3-4PM.

If you are searching for a fun and rewarding activity for your child, register for the free class and find out if golf is their sport.

Visit to sign up or learn more about their 8-week classes.


The A-SWING Junior Golf Academy is a advertiser

The Golf Swing Studio is a advertiser

Spring 2024 golf classes for ages 5-12, Savannah

Monday, January 29th, 2024

A-SWING Junior Golf Spring Semester Classes, Savannah

Give your child the gift of golf.

Kids that play golf discover a love for the game while developing the discipline and character traits thru active participation. We have fun while learning the challenging game of golf, but your child will develop at their pace while following our curriculum.

Visit to find a class that fits your schedule and join us!

Classes offered for ages 5-7 & 8-12.

The next session of classes start soon. Sign up here.


The Golf Swing Studio is a advertiser

Free Junior Golf Clinics in Savannah for ages 5-11

Saturday, January 27th, 2024

Free Junior Golf Clinics in Savannah on Sat. Feb. 24

The A-SWING Junior Golf Academy is hosting two FREE junior golf clinics on Sat. Feb. 24 2024: one for ages 5-7 years at 2-3PM and second for ages 8-11at 3-4PM.

If you are searching for a fun and rewarding activity for your child, register for the free class and find out if golf is their sport.

Visit to sign up or learn more about their 8-week classes.


The A-SWING Junior Golf Academy is a advertiser

Savannah golf class for beginnner-intermediate women

Saturday, January 27th, 2024

Savannah Women’s Golf Class begins Tues. Feb. 20 thru April 2 2024

Par-Tee for Women golf class in Savannah is for beginner to intermediate woman golfers.

This is for the woman who is looking to learn to play golf and not be taught by her partner.

The class begins on Tues. Feb. 20 2024 thru April 2 2024. The class time is 6- 7:30PM each week.

In addition to the 7 classes, the students will have six (6) instructional classes and one (1) on the golf course classes during the semester.

Come join this Women’s Par-Tee group for fun fellowship with other women.

Visit to sign-up.


The Golf Swing Studio is a advertiser

Savannah Indoor Golf Club Grand Opening & Open House

Thursday, September 28th, 2023

You ‘re invited to Savannah Indoor Golf Club’s Grand Opening and Open House this Sun. Oct. 1 2023, 1-6PM @ 1100 Eisenhower Drive Suite 19.


Bring your putter

Bring your club for a 65 yard Closest to the Pin

Winner receive a dozen Pro V1 balls

Savannah Indoor Golf Club is Savannah’s Only 24/7 Trackman Performance Facility

Sign up for a tour of the golf performance center online here and see what all that it has to offer.

Learn more here.


Savannah Indoor Golf Club is a advertiser

(Moms Groups) Beginner Golf Class for Women, Savannah

Tuesday, September 5th, 2023

SIgn up for a new ladies beginner golf class in Savannah called the Par-Tee for Women.

If you’re a beginner golfer looking to build on your skills in a fun environment, look no further than the Par-Tee for Women Beginner Class in Savannah.

Par-Tee for Women golf class in Savannah is for a beginner to intermediate woman golfer, who is looking to learn to play golf and not be taught by her husband / boyfriend.

The class is Wed. Sept. 13 thru Oct. 18 2023 @ Savannah Indoor Golf Club. Each class is on Wednesdays from 6-7:30PM. In addition to the 6 classes, the students will have a seventh class on Wed. Oct. 25 at 5 – 6:30PM at Mary Calder Golf Course where you will go on the golf course and play a few holes with golf carts.

Come join this women’s group for fun fellowship with other ladies.

Sign up here.


The Golf Swing Studio is a advertiser

(After-school activities) ASWING Junior Golf Program, Savannah

Friday, August 11th, 2023

Golf programs for children, teens in Savannah

The Golf Swing Studio in Savannah runs a year-round junior golf program known as A.S.W.I.NG. for junior golfers of all skill levels between the ages of 6-12.

This great initiative not only gets your junior active and moving but also ignites their passion for golf from an early age.

Start your child on a lifelong journey with the game. And part of the coaching will be developing the young players’ ABCs of movement – Agility, Balance, Coordination and Speed – first. These four skills, identified by movement experts, are critical to learning any sport. In fact, children won’t acquire all these skills by only playing golf.

If that’s something you’d like for your child, sign them up for the ASWING Junior Golf Program in Savannah here.


The Golf Swing Studio is a advertiser

Spring 2023 golf classes for ages 5-12, Savannah

Sunday, February 5th, 2023

Registration open for youth golf classes in Savannah

Are you looking for an activity that…

  • Develops your child’s Character & Leadership skills
  • Builds the confidence of your child as they develop their golf skills
  • Has a structured, certified curriculum allowing the student to learn at their own pace
  • Individualized plans for golf improvement
  • Making friends that will last a lifetime
  • And did we mention how much fun the kids have!!!!

Savannah’s Junior Golf Authority Spring schedule of classes has expanded in its offerings, but will be limited to the number of students in a class. 

Class sizes will have a minimum of 4 students and no more than 12 students.  

For additional details or to register, visit and be a part of Savannah’s Junior Golf Authority program.


Free Junior Golf Clinic, Sun. Feb. 19, Savannah

FREE Junior Golf Clinic @ 1PM this Sun. Feb. 19 2023. 

The clinic is 45-minutes in length and is age appropriate with a maximum of 12 students in the class.  Equipment provided.  All skill levels welcome. Clinics for ages 8-12.

Registration is first come, first serve. 

To view all the Free Clinics available, visit  to view options and to register.

Come be a part of Savannah’s Junior Golf Authority


The A-SWING Junior Golf Academy is a advertiser

ASWING Junior Golf Spring 2023 Semester of Classes, Savannah

Sunday, January 22nd, 2023

Registration open for youth golf classes in Savannah

Are you looking for an activity that…

  • Develops your child’s Character & Leadership skills
  • Builds the confidence of your child as they develop their golf skills
  • Has a structured, certified curriculum allowing the student to learn at their own pace
  • Individualized plans for golf improvement
  • Making friends that will last a lifetime
  • And did we mention how much fun the kids have!!!!

Savannah’s Junior Golf Authority Spring schedule of classes has expanded in its offerings, but will be limited to the number of students in a class. 

Class sizes will have a minimum of 4 students and no more than 12 students.  

For additional details or to register, visit and be a part of Savannah’s Junior Golf Authority program.


The A-SWING Junior Golf Academy is a advertiser

Free Savannah golf clinics for kids ages 5-12 of all skill levels

Sunday, January 22nd, 2023

Free Junior Golf Clinics, Feb. 11 & 12 2023, Savannah

FREE Junior Golf Clinic on either Sat. Feb. 11 or Sun. Feb. 12 2023. 

Each clinic is 45-minutes in length. 

Each clinic is age appropriate with a maximum of 12 students in the class.  Equipment provided.  All skill levels welcome. Clinics for ages 8-12 & 5-7.

Registration is first come, first serve. 

To view all the Free Clinics available, visit  to view options and to register.

Come be a part of Savannah’s Junior Golf Authority


The A-SWING Junior Golf Academy is a advertiser

Tiny Tots Playtime @ Summit Gymnastics, Savannah

Saturday, January 21st, 2023

Things to do with toddlers in Savannah: Tiny Tots Playtime @ Summit Gymnastics

Tiny Tots Playtime @ Summit Gymnastics in Savannah will be offered on the following Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays in February 2023:

Tuesday Jan. 31 2023 as well as Thurs. Feb. 2, Tues. Feb. 7, Thurs. Feb. 16, Sat. Feb. 18, Tues. Feb. 21, Sat. Feb. 25 & Tues. Feb. 28 2023.

Tiny Tots is for children ages 5 & younger & their caregivers.

Kids can enjoy trampoline, foam in-ground pit, bars, balance beams & more.

Tiny Tots Playtime
9:30-11AM Jan. 31, Feb. 2, Feb. 7, Feb. 16, Feb. 18, Feb. 21, Feb. 25 & Feb. 28
Call ahead to confirm: 912.921.1034
$10 per child (Cash only)
For ages 5 & younger

Questions? Email

Summit Gymnastics, 74 W Montgomery Crossroads, Savannah, 31406, (912) 921-1034


Summit Gymnastics is a advertiser


(Savannah Holiday Camps 2022) 2-Day Golf Camp during Thanksgiving Break

Saturday, November 5th, 2022

Thanksgiving Week 2 Day Golf Camp with A-SWING Junior Golf Academy, Savannah

Kids are out of school and want them to be active during the Thanksgiving Break?  Want to give your child a “taste”  of the golf without wasting time and money to play?

The A-SWING Junior Golf Academy is hosting a two day camp for kids age kindergarten thru 5th graders. 

The camp is scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 21 & 22 2022.  The camp runs from 9AM – 12:30PM each day and lunch is provided. 

Register for the Thanksgiving 2-Day Camp by visiting or contact Coach Paul at 912-655-9119 for additional information.


The A-SWING Junior Golf Academy is a advertiser

Registration open for Fall 2022 Savannah golf classes for kids

Thursday, August 4th, 2022

Fall 2022 Golf Classes for ages 5-12 in Savannah including free intro clinics

We know that learning to play golf can be an overwhelming and frustrating experience if you don’t have a clear plan!

That is why the A-SWING Junior Golf Academy in Savannah provides kids with the most effective developmental programs and technology to learn to play golf, even if you as a parent don’t play. 

Give your child a gift that will last a lifetime by enrolling today.  Visit or call Coach Paul at 912-655-9119 for more information.

The A-SWING Academy provides your child the only Certified PGA professional instruction and a developmental curriculum.  The A-SWING Academy curriculum allows your child to learn and improve at their pace.  And each week, the kids will have a “Character Word” and a “Legend of the Game” to learn about, which will tie into that week’s instruction. 

Golf provides your child the skills to play a sport that will last a lifetime, while also developing their character in areas of honesty, integrity  and perseverance.  Class sizes are limited to 8 kids so your child will receive a lot of individualized attention.

Visit to learn more or register or call Coach Paul at 912-655-9119 to ask for guidance.

FREE Intro Junior Golf Class for ages 8-12, Sat. Aug. 13 or Sat. Aug. 20 2022, 9-10:30AM. Register online here.

FREE Intro Junior Golf Class for ages 5-7, Sat Aug. 13 or Sat. Aug. 20 2022, 10:30AM-Noon. Register online here.

Fall Semester of clinics start the week of Aug. 23 2022. Classes for ages 8-12 & for ages 5-7. Find class dates that work for your schedule & register online here.


The A-SWING Junior Golf Academy is a advertiser

Registration open for Fall 2022 Savannah golf classes for kids

Friday, July 29th, 2022

Fall 2022 Golf Classes for ages 5-12 in Savannah including free intro clinics

We know that learning to play golf can be an overwhelming and frustrating experience if you don’t have a clear plan!

That is why the A-SWING Junior Golf Academy in Savannah provides kids with the most effective developmental programs and technology to learn to play golf, even if you as a parent don’t play. 

Give your child a gift that will last a lifetime by enrolling today.  Visit or call Coach Paul at 912-655-9119 for more information.

The A-SWING Academy provides your child the only Certified PGA professional instruction and a developmental curriculum.  The A-SWING Academy curriculum allows your child to learn and improve at their pace.  And each week, the kids will have a “Character Word” and a “Legend of the Game” to learn about, which will tie into that week’s instruction. 

Golf provides your child the skills to play a sport that will last a lifetime, while also developing their character in areas of honesty, integrity  and perseverance.  Class sizes are limited to 8 kids so your child will receive a lot of individualized attention.

Visit to learn more or register or call Coach Paul at 912-655-9119 to ask for guidance.

FREE Intro Junior Golf Class for ages 8-12, Sat. Aug. 20 2022, 9-10:30AM. Register online here.

FREE Intro Junior Golf Class for ages 5-7, Sat. Aug. 20 2022, 10:30AM-Noon. Register online here.

Fall Semester of clinics start the week of Aug. 23 2022. Classes for ages 8-12 & for ages 5-7. Find class dates that work for your schedule & register online here.


The A-SWING Junior Golf Academy is a advertiser

Golf Health 101 mobile golf fitness sessions for ages 6+ in Savannah, Bluffton & Hilton Head Is.

Friday, November 8th, 2019

Golf Health mobile sessions lessons Savannah Hilton Head Bluffton

Want to instill good health habits in your budding golfers?

Sign up for sessions with Golf Health 101 mobile golf fitness and nutrition personal trainers.

Golf Health 101 will bring their gym to you! 3 Locations: Savannah, Bluffton & Hilton Head Is.

Workouts begin June 2020.

Spots are filling up quickly.

Kids ages 6+ (Adults, too!) • Group discounts

Visit or email

Golf Health 101 in Savannah, Bluffton, Hilton Head Is. is a advertiser 

Valentine’s 2018 Golf Tournament, Savannah

Sunday, February 4th, 2018

Valentine's Day Special 2018 Savannah Golf

Valentine’s golf tournament @ The Club at Savannah Harbor  on Hutchinson Island, next to Westin Savannah.

Open to the public. Adults & juniors are welcome.

A fun 2-person, 9-hole golf event @ 2PM Sun. Feb. 10. $45 cost includes green fees, cart fees & course prizes. Free cocktail & Valentine’s treats after your round in the Champions Grill.

Interested? Contact Paul Killgallon for more information at 912.201.2240, email

The Club at Savannah Harbor, Hutchinson Is., 2 Resort Drive, Savannah, 31421, 912.201.2240, On Facebook here. Email,  The Club at Savannah Harbor is a advertiser

Get Into Golf clinics on Thursdays @ The Club at Savannah Harbor

Sunday, July 17th, 2016

Get Into Golf (1)The Club at Savannah Harbor on Hutchinson Island next to the Westin introduces the new “Get Into Golf” player development clinics aimed at introducing golf to new participants.

Get Into Golf clinics provide all the tools necessary to give golf a test run, including golf clubs and golf balls, practice range time, a weekly ‘intro to golf’ clinic and ending with a three-hole test run – so participants can get a taste of what it’s like to be on a golf course in a friendly, fun and non-competitive atmosphere.

Get Into Golf at The Club at Savannah Harbor is just $39 per person.

Clinics are held each Thursday at 4PM and include:
“Intro To Golf” Clinic
Use of Callaway club rentals
Sleeve of Callaway golf balls
Three holes of golf

For more information on The Club at Savannah Harbor’s Get Into Golf program, visit To RSVP, email or call 912.201.2240.

Instructors will introduce the basics of the game in a fun, affordable and no-pressure atmosphere and the facilities will provide all of the golf equipment for the participants.


The Club at Savannah Harbor, Hutchinson Is., 2 Resort Drive, Savannah, 31421, 912.201.2240, email, On Facebook here,  The Club at Savannah Harbor is a advertiser.

Free golf & club rentals for juniors, discount for parents on certain days in June 2016, Savannah

Friday, May 27th, 2016

Women's Golf Month Specials Club Savannah Harbor

Every Sunday afternoon in June after 2PM come to The Club at Savannah Harbor and play 9 holes with your family.

Parents play for just $15 for nine holes with accompanied juniors,
and all juniors 18 and younger are Free!

Complimentary Callaway rentals are available for all juniors during the month of June.

The Club at Savannah Harbor will also host four Women’s clinics
on Saturday, June 4, 11, 18 and 25 from 10:30-11:30AM. $25 for adults and juniors are free.

Learn more here. 

To sign up, call 912.201.2240 or email


The Club at Savannah Harbor, Hutchinson Is., 2 Resort Drive, Savannah, 31421, 912.201.2240, email, On Facebook here,  The Club at Savannah Harbor is a advertiser.

Father’s Day Golf Specials @ The Club at Savannah Harbor

Thursday, May 26th, 2016

Fathers Day Golf GIft Special Savannah

The Club at Savannah Harbor on Hutchinson Island next to the Westin is your go-to spot for Father’s Day on June 19, 2016.


Start with a special Father’s Day brunch @ The Club Pavilion, 9AM-1PM June 19. Treat dad to hearty meal with breakfast meats and omelette station. Dads will receive an additional special gift.

US Open 2-person Golf Shamble
10AM June 19
Parent & Junior Teams, $59 for 18 holes
Regular teams, $79 for 18 holes

Father’s Day Gifts

Father’s Day Gift Certificates available for $109 & it includes a round of golf & two golf lessons.

For reservations, call Olena at 912-201-2251 or email


The Club at Savannah Harbor, Hutchinson Is., 2 Resort Drive, Savannah, 31421, 912.201.2240, email, On Facebook  The Club at Savannah Harbor is a advertiser.