Archive for the ‘Math’ Category

Savannah Summer Camps 2017: Engineering Academy STEM Camp

Tuesday, April 25th, 2017

Savannah Engineering Academy Summer Camp 2017 STEM Attention parents of teens who are considering careers in engineering.

The May 18 2017 application deadline is quickly approaching for The 2017 Savannah Engineering Academy Summer STEM Camp.

The five-day summer program @ Armstrong State University is June 5-9 2017. It is for rising junior and senior high school students interested in math, science and engineering.

During this STEM 2017 summer camps, students will:

  • explore engineering through hands-on activities such as building LED flashlights, remotely operated underwater vehicles (ROVs), and a water filter;
  • enjoy field trips such as a riverboat tour of the Savannah River to learn about harbor deepening, river dredging, and local port activity;
  • visit to a local site development construction project
  • go on site visits to facilities including Gulfstream Aerospace, JCB, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography & more.

Students work with professional engineers from major engineering disciplines including civil, electrical, computer, aerospace, mechanical, manufacturing, industrial, water resources, environmental, and ocean.

What an amazing opportunity to learn about engineering, inform decisions on a college major and strengthen their college application.

To participate, students must:

  • Be a rising junior or senior in high school
  • Provide a teacher recommendation
  • Have grades of 80% (3.0/4.0) or better in all math/engineering/science/technology classes

Applications available online here.
Application Deadline: Mon. May 18, 2017
No application fee. Only cost: $60 registration fee

For more information, email or visit

Savannah Engineering Academy is a advertiser 

Make it a Mathnasium Summer: Math Camps 2017 in Savannah, Pooler, Bluffton

Tuesday, March 28th, 2017

Mathnasium Summer 2017 Camps Savannah Pooler Bluffton Tutoring Mathnasium’s fun summer programs are all about preventing summer learning loss and helping
students prepare for what lies ahead.

For some that means a solid review of previous material.

Others benefit from previewing upcoming concepts. Most students will get some of both!

Set your own flexible schedule. Use 15 to 24 hours anytime to suit you, and drop in on the days you
choose. Spread your visits through the summer, or complete in just a few weeks.

Mathnasium programs include :
 Cure for counting with fingers
 Jump start going into grades 1 through 5
 Master times tables!
 Master fractions, decimals and percents!
 Pre-algebra power math middle school review
 High school readiness – Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus



4 Convenient Locations

Mathnasium of Savannah Midtown
(next to TJ MAXX)

Mathnasium of Savannah Islands 
(Whitemarsh Isl next to Polka Dots)

Mathnasium of Pooler
(next to Publix)

Mathnasium of Bluffton
(near Publix off Buck Island Rd

Mathnasium is a advertiser 

Savannah Summer Camps 2017: STEAM (Science, Tech, Engineering, Art & Math) @ The Guild Hall

Tuesday, March 7th, 2017

STEAM Summer Camp The Guild Savannah Chromatic Dragon

Imagine a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math) Summer Camp in Savannah for 4th-9th graders that has everything.

And by everything we mean: robotics & automation; video game design; Minecraft; 3D printing; freeplay gaming – all in state-of-the-art facilities at The Guild Hall in Savannah.

Plus, the camp is full day (9AM-4PM) with early drop-off, late pick-up options and campers get the perk of being able to order lunch for an extra fee from the Chromatic Dragon restaurant. There’s also a pavilion where campers can enjoy packed lunches.

Learn more here. 

Classes are all 2-week sessions for $350, with discounts for early bird or bundling. Robotics classes require an additional $75 materials fee.

There’s a free play gaming week before and after camp for only $150/week where the kids can just come to The Guild Hall and blow off steam.




Camp packages

Full Summer (May 22-July 28)
Super Early Bird (Price Goes up to $1,611 on April 1)
10 Weeks (4 Classes / 2 Free-Play Weeks)
Cost: $1,550

4-Session Bundle (May 30-July 21)
Super Early Bird (Price Goes up to $1,332 on April 1)
8 Weeks (4 Classes)
Cost: $1,285

One Session – A la Carte
Super Early Bird (Price Goes up to $338 on April 1)
2 Weeks (1 Class)
Cost: $326

Pre-Camp Freeplay Gaming Week (May 22-26)
One Freeplay Week
Cost: $150

Post-Camp Freeplay Gaming Week (July 24-28)
One Freeplay Week
Cost: $150

Early Drop-Off (One Session)
Purchase One for Each Session Attending
Cost: $100

Late Pick-Up (One Session)
Purchase One for Each Session Attending
4:30PM – 6PM
Cost: $150

Lunch (One Session)
Purchase One for Each Session Attending
12PM – 1PM
Cost: $100

Materials Fee (One Session)
Purchase One for Each Robotics Class Attending
Cost: $75



STEAM Camp 2017,, @ The Guild Hall, 615 Montgomery St, Savannah, GA 31401, email, 912.208.5008 STEAM Camp 2017 is a advertiser


Searching for Savannah-Lowcountry Summer Camps 2017? Visit our camps guide here.