Fall 2017 registration is now open for Do-Re-We early childhood music education classes in Savannah
Register online here for the Fall 2017 session that runs Sept. 11-Nov. 20 2017.
Do-Re-We music & movement sessions incorporate the philosophy Zoltan Kodály with early childhood learning theory and methodology.
Each week, you and your child will spend 30 minutes engaging in songs, bounces, games, and music-making classes tailored to her development level. While you giggle, dance, and sing, your baby will be developing early skills vital to healthy brain development.
Your instructor, Rebecca Flaherty, is a classically-trained musician with a master’s degree in voice performance, and Kodály I certification.
Week 1: September 11
Week 10: November 20
*Classes will not meet the week of October 16
9:30 – 10AM Toddlers (13-24 months)
10:15 – 10:45AM 2-3 Years
11AM- 11:30AM 4-5 Years
11:45AM-12:15PM Infants
9:30 – 10AM Infants (0-12 months)
10:15 – 10:45AM Toddlers (13-24 months)
11 – 11:30AM 2-3 Years
White Bluff Presbyterian Church
10710 White Bluff Road
Savannah, GA
Siblings are welcome in class; please list them so that Mrs. Becca can have enough materials for them to participate.
Questions? Call or text 912.398.7800.
Stay connected and see photos of Do Re We classes on Facebook here.
Do Re We, www.dorewe.com, 912.398.7800 Do Re We is a SouthernMamas.com advertiser