(Speech Therapy, Savannah) Free Screenings @ The Speech Clinic of the Coastal Empire

Free Screenings for children ages 1-6 @ The Speech Clinic of the Coastal Empire in Savannah & Wilmington Is.
Not sure if your child needs speech therapy?
The Speech Clinic of the Coastal Empire in Savannah & Wilmington Is. can help!
The Speech Clinic of the Coastal Empire is happy to offer FREE speech/language screenings to children 1-6 years old. These screenings can be completed at either of our convenient office locations or at your child’s daycare or private preschool. Screenings only take ~5 minutes to complete. Scores will be pass/fail, and the results will give a brief look at the child’s speech/language development.
School-wide free speech/language screenings
Hello school directors! Would you like to offer your students a FREE speech/language screening this year?
The Speech Clinic of the Coastal Empire is happy to offer this service school-wide at the beginning of the school year, allowing plenty of time to see progress this year.
Please contact The Speech Clinic for more information- 912 712 3999
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