Registration now open for 2013-14 classes @ Coach Val’s Tumblegym, Wilmington Is.; SouthernMamas discount

Coach Val’s Tumblegym on Wilmington Is. is now registering kids for 2013-2014 classes that begin Aug. 12. Different classes offered for various ages from walkers to 8 year olds.

Visit schedule and rates page for updated information. LOTS of new classes offered starting in August including:

Wiggle Worms

30 mins/week walkers – 2 yrs accompanied by adult


45 mins/wk 2 to 3 yrs accompanied by adult

Bumble Bees

60 mins/week 3 to 4 yrs

FireFlies 60 mins/week 4 to 6 yrs


60 mins/week 6 to 8 yrs

JULY Special! Register with a friend during the month of July and each receive a $15 credit toward 2nd months class fees. Both registrations must be received same day to apply. Details here.

Call 912-268-6003 or email

Birthday Parties
Leave the ENTERTAINMENT and MESS to Coach Val’s Tumblegym, which offers Birthday Parties customized to fit your child’s interests and theme. Good for ages 2 to 8 years old. Details here.

Classes are in a safe, air conditioned, bug-free environment! Tumblegym’s experienced staff will keep your little one moving while having a great time.

Coach Val’s Tumblegym provides fun, imaginative exercise programs for children walking through 10 yr olds. Their curriculum integrates physical skill acquisition with social and cognitive learning concepts. Basic gymnastics and tumbling, ball handling skills, strength, balance, and all around coordination activities part of every class.

Please “like” Coach Val’s Tumblegym on Facebook here to keep up with latest news and specials.

Gift Certificates available: What great way for grandparents and family members to give child gift that invests in child’s future and development.

See website here for schedule and rates. Registration online available by clicking here.

Mention you saw Coach Val’s Tumblegym on site to receive $10 off your initial class fee..

Coach Val’s Tumblegym, 310 Johnny Mercer Blvd in the Wilmington Island Shopping Center (with Dollar Tree, Ace Hardware, and Goodwill) Tel: 912-268-6003,, On Facebook here. Coach Val’s Tumblegym is a advertiser.

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