The Tutoring Center at Royce
Offers one-to-one tutoring specifically designed for any student who may require additional or specialized support.
Summer Programs 2017 at The Tutoring Center at Royce in Savannah offer a wide variety of options:
SUMMER SCHOOL – A five-week summer school program for students who need to strengthen academic skills. Small classes focus on Reading, Writing, English and Mathematics.
June 12 – July 13, Monday – Thursday, 8:30am – 12pm
Grades: 1st – 5th & 6th – 8th
Tuition: $ 900 (does not include registration fee. Need based scholarships sometimes available)
Registration Fee: $75
Submit Summer School payment in full by May 15th to receive 5% discount
ENRICHMENT CAMP – A five-week afternoon enrichment camp experience that can be enjoyed on its own, or in conjunction with our Summer School or tutoring programs. Camp will focus on character building, communication and social skills along with time for summer reading lists, games, team building and more.
June 12 – July 13, Monday – Thursday, 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Grades: 1st – 8th
Tuition: $110 week / $500 for 5 weeks
Registration Fee: $50*
(waived if enrolled in other Summer Programs)
STUDY SKILLS – Study Skills is a program designed to help students in 6th – 12th grades learn to study efficiently and effectively, leading to greater success in school.
Session I June 19 – 22 1pm – 5pm
Session II June 26 – 29 1pm – 5pm
Grades: Entering 6th – 12th
Tuition: $ 200 / Session (does not include registration fee)
Registration Fee: $50*
TUTORING CENTER – The Tutoring Center at Royce Learning Center offers a one-on-one, individually designed tutoring program for each student, based on his or her academic needs. Each student receives an individual tutoring plan and is placed with a tutor based on his or her academic needs.
$75 Registration Fee
$100 Testing Fee (When not included in Tutoring Contract)
$55/Hour Tutoring Fee (Need Based Scholarships Often Available)
Please visit Royce’s website for more detailed information on each of their programs.
The Tutoring Center at Royce Learning Center, 4 Oglethorpe Professional Blvd., Savannah, 912-354-4047 email, Royce Learning Center is a advertiser
Searching for Savannah-Lowcountry Summer Camps 2017? Visit our camps guide here.