Free Halloween Trunk or Treat @ Habersham YMCA branch, Savannah
Free Drive-Through Trunk or Treat @ YMCA of Coastal Georgia’s Habersham branch, Savannah
Join the Habersham YMCA annual Trunk or Treat in Savannah, 5-7PM Thurs. Oct. 22, but this year the event will be a drive-through in Habersham’s branch Trunk or Treat Alley.
Receive free treat bags, school supplies courtesy community partner WellCare, free family food boxes from partner Second Harvest, goodies from City of Savannah Fire and EMS as well as other donated items. At the end stop, hop out and take a family photo at the fall themed photo booth.
Kids are encouraged to wear their Halloween costume and take part in the photo contest.
If you are interested in becoming a community partner, donating to candy or hosting a trunk please contact Shannon or Jazmine 912.354.6223 or
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