Explore a nearly-complete section of Truman Linear public trail, Savannah
There’s a new multi-use public trail to explore in Savannah.
A portion of Savannah’s Truman Linear Bike Path is now usable, although the entire park trail – including usable portions – is not complete so please use caution.
A roughly three-mile section of the proposed six-mile public Truman Linear Park Trail is close to completion. The nearly complete section between Lake Mayer and East DeRenne Avenue parallels the Truman Parkway and Casey Canal, as detailed in the image above.
Part of the boardwalk that runs through a woodsy section of Magnolia Park neighborhood still has gaps that require bike riders to dismount but the majority of that three-mile Lake Mayer to East DeRenne Avenue section is usable. The section from the boardwalk to East DeRenne Avenue is not finished, but users can follow Woodland Drive to DeRenne until completed.
Here’s the route from Lake Mayer to East DeRenne Avenue: Trail travels from Lake Mayer north along Sallie Mood Drive to Eisenhower; cross over Eisenhower; turn right onto trail; trail travels along north side of Eisenhower; follow trail under Truman Parkway; follow trail left, traveling parallel to Truman Parkway; follow trail as it travels behind Hester & Zipperer parallel to Truman Parkway; trail travels past ball fields at the Scarborough Sports Complex (on your right); travel along Lovett Drive and follow the trail as it turns left onto Bacon Park Drive. Follow the trail along Bacon Park Drive. The trail then becomes a boardwalk through wooded area and (temporarily) spills out onto Woodland Drive. Turn left onto Woodland Drive to East DeRenne Avenue.
The proposed Truman Linear public path will eventually link Daffin Park on Victory Drive to Lake Mayer Park on Montgomery Cross Road.
The multi-use trail eventually will connect 18 neighborhoods and 13 schools. Learn more here.