Early Bird Discount for Savannah United Winter Soccer Training
Does your soccer player want to keep working on your soccer skills in December?
Register now for Savannah United’s Winter Training with Coach Keith Gunn and Coach Danny Sonner — open to all levels U8-U19.
Soccer players will be split into groups based on ability. Therefore, some players will be allowed to train ‘up’ in age group depending on their level of play. All decisions on training groups will be made by the program directors.
Trainings will 6-8PM December 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22 @ Ambuc Sports Complex on Sallie Mood Drive, Savannah GA, 31406
Early Bird Discount
Don’t miss out on the Early Bird discount for Winter Skills. Register by Sunday, November 20 to receive $25 off your training.
To register, log onto your Savannah United account and select the program from the list of options.
If you don’t have a Savannah United or have questions, email Keith Gunn at k.gunn@savannahunited.com for U8-U12 or Danny Sonner at dsonner@scad.edu for U8-U12.
Savannah United is a SouthernMamas.com advertiser