FREE kids’ nature programs @ Skidaway Is. State Park, Savannah

free kids nature activities Savannah Skidaway Island State Park

Come out to Skidaway Island State Park to enjoy FREE kids’ nature activities most Wednesdays-Sundays during June 2015 including free  Toddler Time for kids ages 2-4 and their caregivers at 10 AM Thursdays. Bring your child to enjoy stories, games and learning designed just for them. Each week there will be a different nature based theme.

Other free kids’ nature programs include:a feral hogs program, bird watching program, reptile show & more.

To see the complete list of FREE kids’ nature activities @ Skidaway Is. State Park each month, click here.


FREE Parking Pass

Live Oak Public Libraries customers with valid library cards can borrow a Georgia State Parks and Historic Sites “Park Pass.” The passes are good for free parking or admission at any of the 63 parks statewide. For more information, click here. 


Meet a Park Ranger

Join one of Skidaway Is. State Park rangers every Friday morning at 9:00 am to discuss all things Skidaway Island State Park. Learn what it’s like to be a ranger, what it takes to manage the park, or what the daily dealings/activities are. The possibilities are endless.

So come for great coffee, great discussion, and a great time.

See you at the Interpretive Center on Friday


Skidaway Island State Park, 52 Diamond Causeway, Savannah , GA 31411. On Facebook here.


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