2015 Summer Swim Leagues in Savannah, Wilmington Is., Richmond Hill, Pooler
Sign up your little swimmer for a summer swim league.
Savannah Coastal Swim League (SCSL) offers competitive youth swimming in Savannah/Chatham County, Richmond Hill, Wilmington Island and Pooler during early summer.
The league consists of 10 teams, encompassing more than 800 swimmers, including: Grand Lake Sharks, Isle of Hope Sharks, JEA Tornadoes, Landings Lightning Bolts, Mayfair Marlins, Richmond Hill Wildcats, Savannah Golf Club Stingrays, Savannah Quarters Sailfish, Savannah Yacht Club Commodores and Wilmington Park Barracudas.
Some of the teams (such as JEA Tornados & Savannah Quarters Sailfish) do not require club membership to participate.
Swimmers of all levels are welcome.
The league includes regular practices as well as meets during which various teams compete against each other in June and early July. Click here for the 2015 Meet Schedule.
For more information including a League Contact Directory, click here.