Fall dance classes @ Coastal Performing Arts Academy, Pooler & Springfield
Give your star a chance to shine.
Coastal Performing Arts Academy offers dance classes in Pooler & Springfield.
Specializing in preschool dance curriculum, competition/performance companies and competitive hip hop crews. Classes offered for ages 2.5 & older. Call 912.656.1744.
Pooler: Click here for the Pooler Fall 2014 Schedule.
Springfield: Click here for the Springfield 2014 Fall Schedule.
Sign up for fall classes for Pooler and Springfield at Pooler Studio.
Coastal Performing Arts Academy, 107 Grand Central Blvd, Suite 202/203, The Shops at Godley Station, Pooler, 31322 tel: (912) 988-1521 email coastalperformingartsacademy@yahoo.com, www.coastalperformingartsacademy.com/ Coastal Performing Arts Academy is a SouthernMamas.com advertiser