Having a baby in 2012? Enter to win Path2College’s 2012 Newborn Sweepstakes
It’s official—a lucky Georgia baby has won $5,529 toward her college savings plan as part of the 2011 Newborn Sweepstakes. Path2College 529 Plan will announce her name and present her with a check soon!
In an effort to continue to raise awareness about the importance for saving for college, the Path2College 529 Plan is excited to once again offer a Newborn Sweepstakes for 2012, and one Georgia child born this year will win $5,529 for his or her college savings.
Path2College’s 2012 Newborn Sweepstakes
The Path2College 529 Plan will award one child born in Georgia during 2012 with $5,529 toward his or her college savings. Parents, grandparents or guardians may go to www.Path2College529.com until April 14, 2013 to enter for a chance to win a prize that will put their loved one on the path toward a college education and a brighter future.
Visit www.Path2College529.com for official rules and details. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited.