U-pick strawberry field at Bamboo Farm & Coastal Gardens
Azeleas, dogwoods and pollen aren’t the only signs that spring has arrived in Savannah. So is the opening of the u-pick strawberry fields at the Bamboo Farm & Coastal Gardens.
U-pick strawberries opened Mon. March 3, 2012. Call 912-921-5897 to confirm the fields are open for picking. Best time to pick is 9 AM, before it gets too hot and before the field is over-picked.
HOURS; 9 AM-4 PM weekdays & 9 AM – NOON Saturdays.
COST: $2 per pound.
The gardens have picnic tables scattered around the grounds if you want to make a picnic out of your strawberry picking.
Bamboo Farm & Coastal Gardens is at 2 Canebrake Road, Savannah, GA 31419. For directions, click here.