Savannah part-time sales & customer relations job perfect for a mom
We wanted to let you know about a Savannah job opening in marketing, PR and advertising that would be perfect for a Southern Mama.
The job is a part time sales & customer relationship manager at a new Savannah technology startup that was started by a local mother-of-two. It’s a contract position with flexible hours.
The candidate should be a self-motivated individual with professional experience to develop and maintain relationships with clients for a web based iPhone/Android app product. See for more details on the product. Clients include non-profits, museums, historic societies, zoos and tour providers. Exact duties will depend on the candidates’ experience, but initially the position will be mostly sales related.
Requirements: Must have a smart phone and use apps on a regular basis. Must be proficient at email, internet use and strong writing skills (for emailing clients).
Will be required to spend some ‘face time’ in the office but most of the duties can be performed from anywhere – with a computer and phone, allowing flexible hours. The job is expected to take 10-20 hrs per week initially. Compensation will be based on candidate’s experience and duties and will include incentive pay for successful results.
Please email us your resume or list of qualifications to Yvonne: