Savannah lactation consultant provides breastfeeding support for home and work

Too often breastfeeding turns out to be the surprise challenge for new moms.

Nursing is easier with support and supplies from Savannah-area lactation consultant Pamela Holland of Babies, Breastfeeding and Beyond LLC.

Call for an initial in-home consult to help with any problems you may be experiencing with your baby or for a pre-natal visit for breastfeeding concerns before your baby is born.  

Breastfeeding, even including the price of consultation is a more affordable and healthier alternative to formula. Formula costs at least $1,650 per year, more than ten times the cost of one consultation.

As a board-certified Lactation Consultant who has worked with moms and babies of Southeast Georgia in the public  health sector for the past 20 years, Pamela Holland can help you feel confident in your ability to learn how to nurture and feed your baby. 

Pamela Holland started her private practice because she felt that women were being too hard on themselves when they did not achieve the kind of breastfeeding success that “the books” recommended.  Breastfeeding is a natural process, but it may not always be easy.  Rather than take a cookie cutter approach, Pamela Holland believes each mom and baby are unique and must have a personal plan of care that is customized to meet their specific needs. After all, Caesarean delivery, multiple births, and proximity of extended family are just a few of the challenges that are typical in today’s newborn delivery.

If you are having any issues with breastfeeding or have had a previous experience that was less than you had hoped for,  call Babies, Breastfeeding and Beyond at 912-306-4619.

Lactation Consultant Pamela Holland, Babies, Breastfeeding and Beyond LLC, 912-306-4619. Babies, Breastfeeding and Beyond is a advertiser.

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