Only a few spots open in Art on the Park after-school late Fall classes, Savannah
Only a couple spots open in Art on the Park after-school late Fall classes! Register by Thurs. Nov 3 and receive 10% class price as a new student to Art on the Park! Mention to receive your discount!
Autumn Art- For ages 5-7.
Tuesdays- 415-530pm- Starting Nov. 8
This Fall, students will investigate nature and how it can influence art! Lessons will still feature artists who capture the concept of using natural materials or using nature as inspiration in their artwork. Leaf prints, natural homemade art materials, recycling and more. 6 Student Limit.
Upper-Elementary Drawing- Drawing Techniques for Ages 9-11.
Wednesdays- 4-515pm- Starting Nov. 9
Drawing is the foundation to any fine art focus. This Fall, we will further develop lessons from early-fall session as well as working on charcoal drawing and basic portraiture. This is a great class for those interested in applying to local art magnet schools. Winter and Spring sessions will provide deeper focus and new techniques including color, however it’s recommended to take this class as a basis. Private portfolio development is also offered for an additional cost. 6 Student Limit.
Creative Crafting for Girls- A Fine-Arts take on Craft-Making for Ages 6-8.
Thursdays- 4-515pm- Starting Nov 3
Let’s face it- crafting is part of the creative process! If you know me well, you know I can’t stray too far from teaching strong foundational values in fine arts- so I will be sure to infuse the fun with teachings about these craft origins and place in art history. Decoupage, beading, and much more! Complete curriculum provided upon registration . All materials included. 6 Student Limit.
To register contact Art on the Park at 912.354.5988 or email
Art on the Park Studio: Situated directly on Daffin Park, the studio is a great place to spread out, get messy, and take play breaks if needed. Art on the Park Studio is a advertiser.