Attention new and expectant moms: cloth diapering 101 class
SouthernMamas reader Elizabeth St. Lawrence will offer an informative class to parents, grandparents and parents-to be on the basics of cloth diapering.
Elizabeth was featured in a SouthernMamas Q&A on cloth diapering here. Cloth Diapering 101 will be 10 AM-noon Sat., September 12 @ Just for Baby & More, 7701 Waters Ave.
Cloth Diapering 101 class is free and open to the public. Please register by calling 912-355-4455 or email
First 20 registrants will receive a $15 gift card.
Also, in honor of Grandparent’s Day, Sept. 13, grandparents can bring in their grandchild’s picture and receive a choice gift card from the “giving tree”.
Remember every Wednesday, grandparents receive a 15 percent discount on gift and clothing purchase.