Archive for the ‘Crossfit Athletics’ Category

Flexibility & Mobility Workshop for moms & dads @ Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah  

Monday, February 17th, 2020

This is for the Moms and Dads.

Workshop Series @ Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah  this weekend. Open to the public!

At Hyperformance Athletics,  they believe everyone that works hard and wants to educate themselves about their body deserves to be fit and pain free.

Do you agree?

Hyperformance Athletics is hosting a workshop where you will be run through numerous movement assessments. These will give you a run down on exactly what you need to be doing to live a full pain free life. We know it is about more than exercise. What is your WHY? Children, spouse, genetic disease?

Register today for a spot in their upcoming Flexibility & Mobility workshop on Sat. Feb. 22, which will be 10:30AM-Noon.

Please wear clothes that you feel comfortable moving around in.

Find more details & register online here.

Flexibility and Mobility Workshop
Sat. Feb. 22 10:30AM
New Hyperformance Athletics location:
7805 Abercorn St.Ste 14E (White Bluff side)
Savannah, GA 3140

For additional questions, please email or call.

Email Coach Tracy:
Email Coach Tana:
Gym Phone Number: (912) 335-3615

Hyperformance Athletics is a advertiser 

Free fitness classes @ Hyperformance Athletics Open House, Savannah

Wednesday, December 18th, 2019

Hyperformance Athletics Savannah

You are invited to take a free class or two at a Holiday Open House this weekend @ Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah 

The Open House will be Fri. Dec. 20 2019, 11AM – 2PM and Sat. Dec. 21 2020, 7:30AM – Noon.

Anyone is welcome to come tour Hyperformance Athletics new training facility, meet the coaches, and even take a free class or two (including kids’ classes)

Friday 12/20

30 minute classes at 11:30AM, 12:00PM, 12:30PM, and 1PM

Saturday 12/21 

60 minute classes at 7:30AM and 9AM

30 minute classes at 10:15 and 11AM

Kids class (1st – 5th grade) at 10:15AM

Youth Sports Development (middle and high school) at 10:20AM

Find the full open house schedule and details here. 

New Hyperformance Athletics location:
7805 Abercorn St.Ste 14E (White Bluff side)
Savannah, Georgia 3140

FREE Hyperformance Youth Saturday class @ Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah

Thursday, April 4th, 2019

kids fitness classes savannah chatham county hyperformance athletics


Hyperformance Youth is a sports readiness program that pairs fitness with fun @ Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah 

Young athletes may not have found their sport of choice yet, but through Hyperformance Youth they are laying the foundation to be faster, quicker, and more aware of how their bodies are moving through space.

Hyperformance Athletics’ youth program begins with student in or entering 1st grade or older. In class, they learn how to perform basic movements like squats, pushups, and hanging. Then they challenge themselves with obstacle courses, rope climbs, relay races, and workouts. At the end of class they play a game to utilize new skills and remind them that fitness is fun.

Join Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah  this Saturday April 6 2019 at 10:15AM for a free trial class and see what all the Hype is about.

Learn more here. 

Hyperformance Athletics, 904 E. 70th St.Savannah, 31405
email, tel: 912-335-3615, CrossFit Hyperformance is a advertiser 

Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah guest post on making habits stick

Saturday, February 23rd, 2019

Fit Kids Fest 2019 Savannah Junior League CrossFitHP

Below is a guest post from Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah 

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you always did healthy things all the time without even thinking about it?

That’s the beauty of a habit. It just happens without a whole lot of resistance.

We’ll got habits – the routine things we do from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep (even the way we sleep is a routine).

Our kids have habits too. Some are great, and some we wish as parents we could break before it gets harder later in life.

Here are few tips for making some of those things we KNOW we should be doing more of a habit. (These are good for grownups and well as kids.)

One thing at time. Don’t try to pile on multiple new habits at once. That’s a recipe for failure.

Pair the habit with something you already do routinely. For instance, if you’ve decided that you should drink more water, connect it with something you already do. Perhaps when you turn the water on to take a shower in the morning, it triggers you to go snag a quick drink as you wait for the shower to warm up.

Chunk it down. Reduce resistance to getting started by setting a goal in the smallest increment possible. If getting more activity during the day is a goal, you’re not likely to stop your other habits to work in 30 minutes. But if you can work in 1 minute a couple of times a day you’ll find you are getting in much more than that one minute. Getting started is the hardest part.

Reward yourself (with something healthy of course, but enjoyable). My kids don’t love to read, but they like their time with me. So we read for a bit and then they get some bonus attention that is just theirs.

Take notice. You want your kids to pick up after themselves? Verbally applaud them for doing the task as soon as notice it getting even a tiny bit better.

Progress is better than perfection. Our habits are always a work in progress. Keep looking for news ways to make doing the good stuff easier.

Want more ideas? Check out the the Junior League of Savannah’s FREE Fit Kids Fest on Sat. March 2 2019, 1-4PM @ Savannah State University. There will all sorts of activities and local vendors that love to make Savannah families healthier. Stop by the Hyperformance Athletics Obstacle Course and say hello.

The above is a guest post from Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah 

Hyperformance Athletics, 904 E. 70th St.Savannah, 31405
email, tel: 912-335-3615, CrossFit Hyperformance is a advertiser 

New FREE 30 minute functional movement class during lunch @ Hyperformance Athletics, Savannah

Monday, December 17th, 2018

Crossfit Savannah Hyperformance

This one is for the Moms AND Dads!

Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah knows that time after work is precious when you have a family. Especially when kids’ sports, music lessons, homework, and dinner begin chipping into that time for just you.

Hyperformance Athletics is excited to announce an ALL NEW 30 minute functional movement class during the lunchtime hour.

Come on Wednesdays and Fridays from 12:30-1PM for SWEAT:30. You’ll never be bored, and can easily ramp up or down the intensity to suit your needs. Get in and out for a more productive afternoon and all important family time in the evening.

Now through the end of December you can take one SWEAT:30 class for free. No other experience required. Just come about 10 minutes before class starts to get settled in. Questions? Call 912-335-3615.

Hyperformance Athletics
904 E 70th St.
Savannah, GA 31405

Hyperformance Athletics​, 904 E. 70th St.Savannah, 31405
email, tel: 912-335-3615, CrossFit Hyperformance is a advertiser 

Kids’ Fitness Classes @ Hyperformance Athletics of Savannah

Friday, October 12th, 2018

Crossfit Kids Savannah

Sport as a metaphor for life. Kids learn so much through sport. Just to name a few…

Setting goals and expectations
Dealing with disapointment
Pushing through being uncomfortable

Exposing kids to multiple sports, both individual and team based, are an important part of growing up. Not to mention kids connect movement with fun and success. Make that connection when they are young and your children are much more likely to enjoy a healthy, active adulthood.

Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah offers the foundation of that success. Their program for elementary-aged kids exposes them to new physical challenges each session. Those challenges present opportunities to grow in character and in fitness.

New students are invited to join us for a free trial class any Wednesday at 4:30PM or any Saturday at 10:15AM (no class Saturday 10/26) at Hyperformance Athletics, 904 E 70th St. 912-335-3515.

Learn more about the kids classes here. 

Kids Fitness Classes @ Hyperformance Athletics
904 E 70th St.
Savannah, Georgia 31405

Hyperformance Athletics​, 904 E. 70th St.Savannah, 31405
email, tel: 912-335-3615, CrossFit Hyperformance is a advertiser 

CrossFit Hyperformance in Savannah guest post on improving sleep routines

Thursday, August 16th, 2018

Crossfit savannah hyperformance

Below is a guest post from CrossFit Hyperformance in Savannah:

What’s your Sleep Routine?

This month at Hyperformance Kids we’re showing off our sleep routines! We’re talking about the benefits of a good night sleep and how having a routine can help. The better you sleep the better you feel.

Sleep is also imperative to maximize learning. Our brains processes both new physical tasks (like coordination) and information during sleep. Your body’s recovery processes and growth hormone release are heightened during deeper stages of sleep.

Here are some tips to try:

1.) Cut off overhead lights at dusk. As it gets darker outside, cut back on the brightness inside too. It signals their bodies to start winding down. My boys love lighting candles and dimming the lights.

2.) Cut off devices and screens at least 30 minutes before bedtime. In the summertime I like to take a walk outside in the natural changing light with my boys. They are also less tempted to go back to the screen.

3.) Reflect. Our family has “couch time”. Each person gets a minute to talk about the best part of their day. It forces us to stop what we are doing and just be together for a couple of precious minutes.

4.) Prep the next day. Not just laying out clothes and making lunch, but ask your kids what they are looking forward to the next day. They will start to connect the things they want to do with a desire to feel ready and well-rested for it.

Of course, lots of exercise and time outdoors during the day helps too! And nothing is wrong with a little power nap from time to time either.

CrossFit Hyperformance​, 904 E. 70th St.Savannah, 31405
email, tel: 912-335-3615, CrossFit Hyperformance is a advertiser 

FREE Adult Workout Saturday & Kids’ Class @ CrossFit Hyperformance Athletics, Savannah

Tuesday, July 31st, 2018

Crossfit kids Savannah

This Sat. Aug. 4 2018 is FREE First Saturday Friend Fest at Crossfit Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah.

You are invited to sweat and laugh with Cross Hyperformance for free this Saturday morning at 9AM at Hyperformance Athletics.

It only happens once a month so make sure to set your reminder, alarm, or device, or whatever you depend on :)

All fitness levels are welcome and Crossfit would love to see you there!

(Yes, of course you can bring a friend too.)



There will be a kids’ class immediately following at 10:15AM for rising 1st – 5th grade students

CrossFit Hyperformance​, 904 E. 70th St.Savannah, 31405
email, tel: 912-335-3615, CrossFit Hyperformance is a advertiser 


Free bring your mom to workout day @ Crossfit Hyperformance Athletics, Savannah

Monday, April 23rd, 2018

Crossfit Hyperformance for Kids Savannah

Free bring your mom to workout day @ Crossfit Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah  Sat. May 12 2018, 10:15AM


Guest Post by Jennifer McKenzie, owner of Crossfit Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah

It’s called Exercise Deficit Disorder.

And it’s a problem, especially for our children.

Changes in our lifestyle over the last few generations (consuming more high calorie, low nutrient food and moving less) are the primary cause of increased obesity rates in our kids. It’s far more than genetic. And it’s not slowing down anytime soon.

Sedentary behavior is contributing to the decline of health indicators in children and adults, with behavior patterns beginning to emerge as soon as age 6 and worsening into adulthood. The shift in activity pattern has now been coined “Exercise Deficit Disorder”. We believe that being healthy is more than having good physical markers. It’s also having the ability to learn new things, focus, control emotions, make friends, and feel generally happy. As parents, we want our kids to be healthy in mind and body.

The youth program at  Crossfit Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah specifically addresses these issues. As a Crossfit Kids Affiliate, “The program is comprised of elements designed to reduce Exercise Deficit Disorder and poor lifestyle choices: laying the foundational movement patterns, providing children with a portion of the prescribed amount of exercise for the week, improving muscular and cardiovascular fitness, discussing the roles of food, and providing endless opportunities for success – all while keeping the class and it’s information fun and engaging.” From Crossfit Kids Training Guide.

The purpose of the Hyperformance Youth program is to attack the prevalence of Exercise Deficit Disorder. Classes for rising 1st through 5th grade students happen every Wednesday at 3:30PM and Saturday at 10:15AM.

Join Crossfit Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah for a free trial class today.  Email or call 912-335-3615.

Free bring your mom to workout day : Sat. May 12 2018, 10:15AM

CrossFit Hyperformance​, 904 E. 70th St.Savannah, 31405
email, tel: 912-335-3615, CrossFit Hyperformance is a advertiser 

FREE Trial Kids Class @ Crossfit Hyperformance Athletics, Savannah

Wednesday, April 11th, 2018

kids crossfit hyperformance Savannah

Family Is To Fitness as….

Peas are to Carrots? Peanut butter is to Jelly? Family and Fitness just go together.

Without a doubt, Crossfit Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah clients that have been the most successful in their fitness endeavors for the long term are those who involve their entire family.

Families that sweat together…

Have meaningful conversations around fitness and food.
Create opportunities to set, reach, and celebrate goals.
Create bonds and memories that last.
Pair being fit with having fun.

Join Crossfit Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah for a free trial kids class this week! For details email or call 912-335-3615. 

For more information on kids classes, middle and high school strength and conditioning classes, or adult programs visit

Summer kids camp information available at

CrossFit Hyperformance​, 904 E. 70th St.Savannah, 31405
email, tel: 912-335-3615, CrossFit Hyperformance is a advertiser 

Crossfit Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah: Give Your Routine a Check-up (First class is free)

Tuesday, August 8th, 2017

Crossfit kids classes in Savannah Crossfit Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah offers fitness classes for kids as well as adults.

Kids classes @ Crossfit Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah . FIRST CLASS IS FREE.

Grades 1-5:  Wednesdays from 3:30-4PM and Saturdays 10:15-10:45AM.

New kids are welcome to come try their first class for free.  Adults are welcome to schedule a free one-on-one coaching appointment.

For questions call 912-335-3615 or visit online at

Message from Jennifer McKenzie, owner of Crossfit Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah : 

With everyone in back-to-school mode, it’s a great opportunity for Mom and Dad to get back into the groove as well. Crossfit Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah has got some advice on getting that done. Crossfit Hyperformance has a power word to help you transform your habits.

One of the things we often say after all the summer vacations, eating out, and late nights is “I need to get back into a routine.”

But wait! Before you jump back into the same old stuff, take a minute and consider how some of the routines you have now are helping or hurting you.

You are what you routinely do.


CrossFit Hyperformance​, 904 E. 70th St.Savannah, 31405
email, tel: 912-335-3615, CrossFit Hyperformance is a advertiser 

Influencing Your Kids Fitness by Influencing Your Own (Crossfit kids classes in Savannah)

Thursday, July 20th, 2017

Crossfit kids classes Savannah free Hyperformance Crossfit Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah offers fitness classes for kids as well as adults.

Kids classes beginning July 31 2017 (no classes 7/24 to 7/29)

  • Grades 1-5:  Wednesdays from 3:30-4PM and Saturdays 10:15-10:45AM
  • Grades 6-12: Mon, Tues, Thurs from 3:30-4:15PM

 Any new kids participant is welcome to come try their first class for free.  Adults are welcome to schedule a free one-on-one coaching appointment.

Free trial classes for adults, kids

Hyperformance Athletics coaches will offer a free adult class on August 5 2017 at 9AM and kids class immediately following at 10:15AM

For questions call 912-335-3615 or visit online at


Message from Jennifer McKenzie, owner of Crossfit Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah : 

Early this week, Hyperformance Athletics owner and Crossfit coach Jennifer McKenzie, MS opened her computer to find YouTube videos on how to make the world’s biggest gummy worm.  That was after the Eventubehd jelly bean tasting challenge and 100 layer Airheads challenge.  As every parent has, Jennifer worries about the messages her two two wild boys (ages 9 and 6) absorb from the world around them.  Not just in regards to health and fitness, but about character too.  Jennifer wants them to confident, capable, AND healthy.

With all our good intentions to have kids move more, the iPad still reigns king as the entertainment option of (their) choice.   More than ever there are conflicting nutrition messages from the media and pseudo-experts.   We want so bad to be good example for our kids but still the pace of life is keeping us from being healthy ourselves.

Parents, this month Jennifer wants to issue you a simple challenge.  Analyze who influences you.  You become like the people you hang around the most.  We all want to be better for our children.  So who is influencing us?

Imagine yourself at work (if you are there just have a look around).  Are the people around you ones that you admire?   Are they the type of people you introduce your kids to and want them to hang around with? Do they tell you the truth (especially when it’s hard and you don’t want to hear it)?   Do they roll their eyes every time you make a healthy choice, or worse make you feel bad for it?  Are they in your corner?  Are they where you want to be?  What habits have you picked up at work?

How about at home?  Does your family rally behind you when you?  Of course they say they want to see you happy and healthy, but are they willing to go on that journey with you?

It’s OKAY if you answered no.  Jennifer is not suggesting that you quit your job or leave your family.  Quite the contrary!  You could become the best thing that’s ever happened to them!

However, if becoming healthier is your goal, and you hope to carry that on to your family, find a way to balance those influences with positive people that are where you want to be.  Have people in your corner who are willing to struggle with you, and will genuinely celebrate your success.  Add people that you can emulate.  If you pick up their habits you are better for it.  Add people with character traits you wish to have.

One of the most fun things they do at Hyperformance Athletics is introduce their athletes to each other.

Hyperformance Athletics is a catalyst for building community through challenges, events, and in the structure of class every day.  Kids look up to our coaches, who make fitness fun and rewarding.

Hyperformance Athletics coaches would love to give you a dose of inspiration and sweat at a free adult class on August 5 2017 at 9AM and kids class immediately following at 10:15AM.

For questions call 912-335-3615 or visit online at

CrossFit Hyperformance​, 904 E. 70th St.Savannah, 31405
email, tel: 912-335-3615, CrossFit Hyperformance is a advertiser 

Crossfit kids classes & free trial CrossFit Hyperformance Athletics classes, Savannah

Tuesday, April 11th, 2017

Crossfit Hyperformance Savannah Kids' Fitness Classes Bootcamp

Community in Action @ Crossfit Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah

If you’re able to get in shape on your own – consider yourself one of the lucky few. Human beings are designed to thrive in groups. Science has shown over and over again that success in any endeavor – from losing weight to getting out of debt is more likely when you are part of a group.

We’re also more likely to reach that next goal with the help of a coach. Someone who can clarify the next win, help you incorporate the right tools and strategies to get there, and hold you accountable along the way. A good coach doesn’t just tell you what to do, but gets to know you and your motivations. They have the ability see potential before you see it in yourself.

At Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah, they incorporate powerful individual coaching with the energy and magnetism of being included in a group. People in groups progress faster because they learn from each other and embrace friendly competition. This is important for both kids and adults.

To learn more about Hyperformance Athletics proven process, The Winning Approach, schedule a free initial coaching appointment and workout. Or hop in on their next free workout: April 29 2017 at 10AM for The Squad Savannah Boot Camp (best for beginners) or May 6 2017 at 9AM for a regular class (great for folks that have been exercising on their own).

Crossfit Kids Classes
Current Schedule: grades 1 – 5 meet Wednesdays at 4PM and Saturdays at 10:15AM.
Summer 2017 schedule (June 5-July 22) Tues, Thurs, Sat at 10AM

Middle and High School Strength and Conditioning
Current Schedule: Tues, Thurs, Fri at 3:30
Summer 2017 schedule (June 5- July 22) Mon, Wed, Fri at 10AM

Call CrossFit Hyperformance 912-335-3615 or visit online at

CrossFit Hyperformance​, 904 E. 70th St.Savannah, 31405
email, tel: 912-335-3615, CrossFit Hyperformance is a advertiser 

Get fit: CrossFit Hyperformance Athletics classes in Savannah

Thursday, March 2nd, 2017

CrossFit Hyperformance Savannah

Quick and Healthy Tip of the Week: Hydrate to start your day! Even 2% dehydration can zap your energy and cause cravings – even if you don’t feel thirsty. Keep a glass of water next to your bed and take a few refreshing sips as you get up. It will not only help you wake up, but you’ll earn a healthy victory before your day even starts.

Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah has been turning average joes into athletes since 2008 with programs for kids, teens, and adults. Their programs meet you where you’re at and give you the coaching, tools, and inspiration to help you reach your next level of fitness.

What would happen if your workout was the BEST hour of your day?

CrossFit Hyperformance Savannah

The Squad Savannah: For beginners and those returning to exercise. The Squad Savannah lays the foundation for a lifetime of positive habits. The program combines group training, with homework, and nutrition strategy. The next 8 week program begins Saturday March 11.

Small Group Fundamentals: Series of 12 classes that teach the Crossfit methodology and movements. Next small group begins Tuesday March 7.

Crossfit Kids: Free trial class for kids 1st – 5th grade. Crossfit Kids pairs fitness with fun through a combination of skill practice , workouts, and games that build strength and confidence.

Middle & High School Strength and Conditioning: Focuses on primal movement patterns to develop athleticism and create a broad level of readiness for sport. Free trial week.

Call today to set up a free coaching appointment and workout. 912-335-3615.

Crossfit Hyperformance​, 904 E. 70th St. Savannah, 31405
email, tel: 912-335-3615, Crossfit Hyperformance is a advertiser