Influencing Your Kids Fitness by Influencing Your Own (Crossfit kids classes in Savannah)
Crossfit Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah offers fitness classes for kids as well as adults.
Kids classes beginning July 31 2017 (no classes 7/24 to 7/29)
- Grades 1-5: Wednesdays from 3:30-4PM and Saturdays 10:15-10:45AM
- Grades 6-12: Mon, Tues, Thurs from 3:30-4:15PM
Any new kids participant is welcome to come try their first class for free. Adults are welcome to schedule a free one-on-one coaching appointment.
Free trial classes for adults, kids
Hyperformance Athletics coaches will offer a free adult class on August 5 2017 at 9AM and kids class immediately following at 10:15AM
For questions call 912-335-3615 or visit online at
Message from Jennifer McKenzie, owner of Crossfit Hyperformance Athletics in Savannah :
Early this week, Hyperformance Athletics owner and Crossfit coach Jennifer McKenzie, MS opened her computer to find YouTube videos on how to make the world’s biggest gummy worm. That was after the Eventubehd jelly bean tasting challenge and 100 layer Airheads challenge. As every parent has, Jennifer worries about the messages her two two wild boys (ages 9 and 6) absorb from the world around them. Not just in regards to health and fitness, but about character too. Jennifer wants them to confident, capable, AND healthy.
With all our good intentions to have kids move more, the iPad still reigns king as the entertainment option of (their) choice. More than ever there are conflicting nutrition messages from the media and pseudo-experts. We want so bad to be good example for our kids but still the pace of life is keeping us from being healthy ourselves.
Parents, this month Jennifer wants to issue you a simple challenge. Analyze who influences you. You become like the people you hang around the most. We all want to be better for our children. So who is influencing us?
Imagine yourself at work (if you are there just have a look around). Are the people around you ones that you admire? Are they the type of people you introduce your kids to and want them to hang around with? Do they tell you the truth (especially when it’s hard and you don’t want to hear it)? Do they roll their eyes every time you make a healthy choice, or worse make you feel bad for it? Are they in your corner? Are they where you want to be? What habits have you picked up at work?
How about at home? Does your family rally behind you when you? Of course they say they want to see you happy and healthy, but are they willing to go on that journey with you?
It’s OKAY if you answered no. Jennifer is not suggesting that you quit your job or leave your family. Quite the contrary! You could become the best thing that’s ever happened to them!
However, if becoming healthier is your goal, and you hope to carry that on to your family, find a way to balance those influences with positive people that are where you want to be. Have people in your corner who are willing to struggle with you, and will genuinely celebrate your success. Add people that you can emulate. If you pick up their habits you are better for it. Add people with character traits you wish to have.
One of the most fun things they do at Hyperformance Athletics is introduce their athletes to each other.
Hyperformance Athletics is a catalyst for building community through challenges, events, and in the structure of class every day. Kids look up to our coaches, who make fitness fun and rewarding.
Hyperformance Athletics coaches would love to give you a dose of inspiration and sweat at a free adult class on August 5 2017 at 9AM and kids class immediately following at 10:15AM.
For questions call 912-335-3615 or visit online at
CrossFit Hyperformance, 904 E. 70th St.Savannah, 31405
email, tel: 912-335-3615, CrossFit Hyperformance is a advertiser