Archive for September, 2010

SouthernMamas receive 10 percent off educational Discovery Toys

Thursday, September 30th, 2010

discovery-toysLocal Discovery Toys Educational Consultant Donna Blas Cartwright is offering SouthernMamas 10 percent off your first purchase from her Discovery Toy Shop. Click here to start shopping and use the promotional code SOUTHERNMAMA912 to get the deal.

Donna – who is a Bluffton mother of four, retired Real Estate sales agent and wife of a military chaplain  – chose to become an Educational Consultant because she said Discovery Toys offers the most outstanding developmental products for families – products of the highest quality with extraordinary value. Even after a decade, DT Toys still have the same quality and continue to strive for better and fun products. They’ve been around for about 30 years or so.

Through a high level of open-ended play, Discovery Toys products encourage a child’s positive growth and development, says Donna. Children love the toys because they are fun, and while they are playing, they are learning.

Discovery Toys also provides a meaningful business opportunity. It’s a career that allows you to build your work schedule around your family while earning an income that supports your lifestyle. For more info, click here.

Holiday sessions with Savannah/Hilton Head photographer Britt Anderson

Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

britt-anderson-holiday-2010britt-anderson-holiday-session-2010-2Are you looking to get the perfect present for family and loved ones?

Family portraits are just the thing for the holidays. Portraits are what we look back on, day in and day out as they hang in our homes, reminding us of the people we love. They are a timeless gift, and you can never go wrong when giving them.

Holiday Sessions with Britt Anderson Photography are just what you need this season. There are four options to choose from, including the ever popular digital collections.

All sessions include a set of 25, 5×7 flat custom holiday cards. You better believe, people will be oohing and ahhing over these when they get them in the mail. Nothing better than bragging on your beautiful family with gorgeous portrait cards. You can see a small sampling of those cards here, and full offerings here.

britt-anderson-holiday-2010-3The Jolly Session is the print option, giving you 1-8×10, 2-5×7’s and a set of 8 wallets for $200.

The Jingle Session gives you your 5 favorite images on disk with a print release for $225.

The Merry Session gives you 10 of your favorite images on disk with a print release for $325.

The best value of all if the Joyful Session, which gives you all of the images from our session (between 15-20) for $425.

For more details regarding sessions, please check the website here.

Contact Britt today at contact@brittandersonphotography or by giving her a call at 912-966-0498. Let Britt capture those memories to last a lifetime.

Tybee Island Pirate Fest Schedule 2010

Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

pirate-head1Tybee Island Pirate Fest is Oct. 8-10. The fest includes such kid-friendly attractions as the ever popular pirate parade along Butler Avenue; Captain Jim & Krew Illusion Show; Petting Zoo; Blackbeard’s Pirate Ship where pirates are available for pictures; Pet Costume Contest; Children’s Costume Contest; limbo contest; and more.

For a schedule of the kids events at the Tybee Island Pirate Fest, click here.

World’s Largest Cruise Night at Edgewood Travel in Savannah

Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

edgewood-travelLocal residents can get a taste of life at sea when Edgewood Travel in Savannah hosts an event supporting World’s Largest Cruise Night 5-8 PM Wed. Oct. 13, 2010.

The evening of cruise festivities which helps mark National Cruise Vacation Month will be at Edgewood’s offices at 105 Wheeler Court.

Highlights of this year’s World’s Largest Cruise Night include: reduced deposits, door prizes, on board credits and special promotional rates. To help cruisers and potential cruisers get a real feel for the cruise industry and its offerings, trained travel professionals will be on hand to give unbiased expert advice and assist with cruise planning. RSVP to if you would like to drop by during the World’s Largest Cruise Night.

For more information about cruise lines, ships, itineraries and worldwide cruise destinations, visit Edgewood Travel at 105 Wheeler Court or at Or, call today at 912-351-0570 or 800-966-2779 to speak with any of our cruise vacation experts.

Homeschooling help: Savannah, Bluffton homeschool offer from Mama & Company

Monday, September 27th, 2010

homeschooling-mama-and-co-2Below is a guest post from Lowcountry homeschool expert Donna Cartwright of Beaufort-County-based Mama & Company:

Interested in homeschooling but don’t know where to start?
here! Southern Mama Readers get a ONE FREE CONSULTATION email. Email your question to

Are you a thinking of homeschooling? I was in your shoes not too long ago! She did a lot of research and asked a few friends who homeschooled what they do. I learned more about curriculums they use and local support groups. Joining a local homeschool cooperative allowed me to talk to other mamas and see what they like as a curriculum and also how they taught inside their homes. I just loved meeting new people and making new friends. Homeschoolers are a unique commmunity.

If you’re a military family like we are, the only stability really for the children is the parent who stays home with the child. Let’s face it, the other parent (whether Mama or Daddy) deploys for months to years at a time. Homeschooling is taking this ‘stability’ to the next level.

Check out some books at the library about home schooling to help you decide if you want to do this. Only you can make the decision but be realistic with what you can handle and cannot. You certainly don’t want to take the kids out of school and realize this is not for you.

Take advantage of the ONE FREE CONSULTATION email offer to get your homeschool question answered. Email For more homeschooling info, click here.

The above was a guest post from homeschooling expert Donna Cartwright of Mama & Company.

For more homeschooling resources in Savannah and the Lowcountry, click here.

Saturday morning sessions of physical science activities for grades K-8

Monday, September 27th, 2010

KOOLSCIENCES4KIDZ presents: Saturday morning sessions of physical science activities at Southwest Middle School, 6030 Ogeechee Road, Savannah.
One session for grades k-5; a second session for grades 6-8. Medical students from Mercer University Medical Mentors program will be involved with teaching and will present free science sessions related to the medical field.
For session dates, sample topics, or to sign up, click here.
Cost.: $48 a month. Includes materials
912-660-3442 email:

Meet the mom who started Savannah’s The Next Generation

Monday, September 27th, 2010

heather-and-luke-fountainHeather Fountain, a local mother of two, co-founded The Next Generation, a volunteer organization founded to benefit the Backus Children’s Hospital at Memorial University Medical Center.

Click here to read about how her son Luke’s serious medical condition inspired Heather to start The Next Generation and how you can help support their efforts. Volunteers with The Next Generation donate their time, talents and financial resources to help Backus patients and families experience a little happiness while combating life-threatening conditions.

Next Generation BBQ, Brews & Bluegrass Fall Festival at the Roundhouse Railroad Museum, 3-7 p.m. Sun. Oct. 3, 2010
Face painting, bounce houses, pumpkin patch, train rides and more to benefit Backus Children’s Hospital. 601 W. Harris St. (912) 350-1524, 350-6374 or

“Trick or Treat” song on Justin Roberts’ new CD Jungle Gym

Monday, September 27th, 2010

halloween-ghostHalloween songs are tough to find. Until now.

Kindie rock musician Justin Roberts has a fun “Trick or Treat” song on his new CD Jungle Gym that may just become a Halloween classic

“Everyone’s outside, bags are open wide,
Cuz we’re ready to trick-or-trick-or-trick-or-trick-or treat!
Falling leaves will soar, we’ll go door to door,
Cuz we’re ready to trick-or-trick-or-trick-or-trick-or TREAT!”
-Justin Roberts, from the song “Trick or Treat”

Listen by clicking here . View Justin and his Not Ready for Naptime Players and their high energy performance here

For Savannah/Bluffton/Hilton Head Halloween festivals and pumpkin patches, click here.

On having a photo shoot with Savannah children’s photographer LeeAnn Ritch

Saturday, September 25th, 2010

francie-leeann-ritch-1hart-leeann-ritch-1Popular Savannah family portrait photographer LeeAnn Ritch recently took photos my two children, ages 3 & 1, at Tybee’s North Beach.  

Beforehand, I was completely stressed about how my kids would behave. If they would behave.  But a mere two minutes into the session, I could see that LeeAnn had mesmorized them both!

During the photo shoot, my 3-year-old son turned to me and whispered: “Mommy, I don’t want to be a fire-fighter anymore. I want to be a PHOTOGRAPHER.” He is in awe of LeeAnn. So am I.  Here are  few samples of her shots from that beautiful evening that included magical September light, clear moon and sunset.

francie-leeann-ritch-2hart-leeann-ritch-2Not only is LeeAnn Ritch a natural-life aficinado with a knack for turning out unfussy photos that shine, the mother of two is also a pro at relating to children and making photo sessions fun and stress-free. My kids relished being in front of her lens.

LeeAnn Ritch Photography is currently offering a fall special: $300 for a session and CD! (regular $575). Check out some of her work here. LeeAnn Ritch specializes in newborn, baby, child, and family photography.

Click here to book a session. Be sure to mention SouthernMamas to take advantage of the fall special. Try to take advantage of the pre-Daylight savings lighting. To follow LeeAnn Ritch’s work and stay updated on her specials, be sure to “like” her Facebook page by clicking here.

 LeeAnn Ritch Photography, 912.308.9327 or email

Parents urged to secure TVs, furniture; one child dies every two weeks due to tipovers

Saturday, September 25th, 2010

tipover_pdf1U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is asking parents to inspect and secure TVs, furniture and appliances in child-proofing efforts. On average, one child dies every two weeks due to tipovers.

Between 2000 and 2008, CPSC staff received reports of nearly 200 tipover related deaths involving children 8 and younger. Nearly all of these fatalities (93%) involved children 5 and younger.

More than 16,000 children five years old and younger were treated in emergency rooms because of injuries associated with TVs, furniture, and appliance tipovers according to CPSC staff’s most recent estimates from 2006. To read more and to learn how to prevent tip-overs, click here.

This year, the CPSC is intensifying its outreach efforts by partnering with numerous organizations, including clinics and second-hand stores, to disseminate a two minute PSA including a powerful testimonial of a parent who lost her two-year-old in a TV tipover incident and a poster. In addition, consumers will be able to stream a 20 second version of the PSA through October 23, 2010 by texting TVFALL to 878787.

New dinosaur exhibit at MOSH in Jacksonville; planetarium coming soon

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010

mosh-dinasaur-exhibitMOSH (Museum of Science and History) in Jacksonville opens a dinosaur exhibit Sat. Sept. 25.

Prehistoric Predators – Sept. 25-Jan. 9 – will feature life-sized animatronic dinosaur models sure to inspire visitors of all ages.

On Oct. 23, the museum’s new Bryan Gooding Planetarium opens.

The new Bryan Gooding Planetarium will offer visitors an experience like no other in our region. Come experience total-immersion entertainment in a 360-degree theater at super-resolution four times better than the best HDTV.

MOSH offers $5 admission every Friday, Saturday and Sunday now through Oct. 17 . Click here for more info.

Katie Sharpe Photography: affordable, talented Savannah portrait family, children photographer

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010

katiesharp-photography-1katie-sharp-2People often ask Savannah portrait photographer Katie Sharpe “How did you get started?” Her answer will forever and always remain the same: “Lilah.”

Katie always loved of taking pictures. Over the years, her hobby became a passion.

Katie is a mother of four whose youngest daughter Lilah has a rare vision impairment. Lilah gave Katie the courage to attempt her dream. To turn her passion into a reality. Katie is now a popular Savannah  portrait photographer for Weddings, Family, Children, Maternity, Newborns.

Check out more examples of Katie’s high-quality work by clicking here. Stay connected to Katie Sharpe Photography by “liking” her Facebook page by clicking here.

 Katie Sharpe Photography,, 912-224-9362, email: Katie@katiesharpphotography,com 

Giveaway: a family four-pack of tickets to Disney Live! Mickey’s Rockin Road Show

Sunday, September 19th, 2010

disney-live-mickeys-rockin-road-showThis week, win a family four pack of tickets to Disney Live! Mickey’s Rockin Road Show, which is coming to the Savannah Civic Center on Sun. Oct. 3, 2010.

Here’s how to enter to win. Visit the SouthernMamas Fall Festival/Halloween Fun guide by clicking here or clicking on the Linus and the Great Pumpkin icon under the column on the right side of this site. Then tell us which event or pumpkin patch you plan to visit this fall. Either comment below this post or on the SouthernMamas Facebook fan page. You must subscribe to the SouthernMamas weekly e-letter to be eligible to win. Deadline to enter is Sun. Sept. 26. We’ll announce the winner here.

find_us_on_facebook_badgeThe Disney Live! Mickey’s Rockin’ Road Show has two shows on Oct. 3: 12:30 PM and 3:30 PM. For tickets, click here

Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Goofy set out on a zany road trip where audiences join in and help find the coolest acts around. Along the way, hit a high note with Cinderella; get your bounce on with Tigger; and shout out your loudest “yee-haw” at a howdown with Woody, Jessie and Buzz Lightyear from Disney/Pixar’s Toy Story!

UPDATE: The winner of the tickets giveaway is Lana Chilton! Congratulations Lana and enjoy the show.

Giveaway: Quite Contrary Baby yoga tee from Savannah Yoga

Sunday, September 19th, 2010

baby-yoga-set-11Win a Quite Contrary Baby yoga tee from Savannah Yoga Center  by checking the post farther down on this main page that lists all the local kid-friendly events happening this week. Tell us which one you want to do by commenting below or on the SouthernMamas Facebook page.

Savannah Yoga Center not only offers mommy-and-infant and mommy-and-toddlers yoga classes, the Bull Street yoga center and boutique also now carries Quite Contrary Baby, a new line of yoga inspired clothing for babies that inspire.  SYC’s Mommy-and-me baby yoga classes help itsy-bitsy yogis learn breathing techniques that promote healthy digestion, wellness, and even sleep regulation.

savannah-yogaClasses also provide a golden opportunity for mothers and their babies to bond and to receive both physical and spiritual nurturing from practicing yoga and of course, having fun together! Classes are relaxed and informal, with stories and songs as well as yoga. Look for a schedule of SYC’s baby yoga classes in next week’s SouthernMamas e-letter or click here.

UPDATE: Amy Henderson is the winner!

Savannah Yoga Center, 1319 Bull St. Boutique hours are 10 AM-2 PM Mondays – Fridays and also open before and after all yoga classes. (912) 232-2994 or email: kelley (at) savannahyoga (dot) com,

Bottoms Up: New Cloth Diaper Resource in Savannah

Sunday, September 19th, 2010

bottoms-up-cloth-diaper-serviceBottoms Up , the newest cloth diaper resource in the Savannah area, carries several styles of cloth diapers and accessories. New to cloth diapering? No problem! Bottoms Up specializes in private consultations in your home, or invite some friends and host a diaper show. Hosts get a free gift!

SouthernMamas reader Cindy Dana wins the $25 gift certificate from Bottoms Up. Congratulations Cindy!

Bottoms Up,, Contact Michelle Terhune at 912-658-6229 or via email: Visit Bottoms Up on Facebook by clicking here.

Starlight pottery offers Kids Night Out, storytimes and Tippy Toes Pottery

Friday, September 17th, 2010

starlight_logo-copyStarlight Pottery at 7070 Hodgson Memorial Drive offers tons of kid-friendly, as well as mom-friendly, activities.

First, Starlight Pottery has teamed with Amanda Reed’s Tippy Toes Pottery, famous throughout our area for personalizing pottery – using your child’s footprints, hand prints or finger prints to create a whimsical painting on mugs, plates and more.  The Tippy Toes line is on display at Starlight Pottery and parent’s can bring their children to get handprints and footprints. Amanda will turn them in to the beautiful works of art that she’s known for.

Moms can still book Tippy Toes Parties and receive discounts on pottery. They can even host their event at Starlight Pottery‘s studio.

Starlight Pottery offers Kids Night Out 6-8 PM Sat. Sept. 25. It’s for ages 5 and up. Children will make a Halloween plate. Cost is $25 and that includes pottery painting, pizza, drinks, and games. Yes, this is a drop off event . Parents can use this time for a childfree dinner out. Think date night. 

Starlight Pottery also offers Ladies Night Out 6-8 PM Thurs., Sept. 30. Ladies can get a group of friends together, reserve a table, and bring food and drink to have a fun evening out. It’s a great time to start making gifts. No additional fees, just the price of the pottery that you choose to paint.

Starlight Pottery will do on-site storytimes for preK and Kindergarten classes. Price is $10-$12 per child. Startlight will come to a classroom to read a story and the children paint a piece of pottery related to the story. Or class can come to Starlight Pottery studio for a Storytime Field Trip.

SouthernMamas readers receive a Startlight Pottery discount through Dec. 31 , 2010: Book a birthday party with 8 or more guests and the birthday child paints free (Up to a $15 value).

For more info or to make reservations for a Tippy Toes party, Kids Night Out, or Ladies Night Out , call 912.303.9599.

Starlight Pottery’s paint-your-own-pottery studio is in mid-town Savannah. The studio is in the Eisenhower Shopping Plaza at the intersection of Eisenhower and Hodgson Memorial Drive. Starlight Pottery is a great place to host your next birthday party, bridal shower, baby shower, youth group, ladies group, etc. Become a fan on Facebook and receive special announcements and offers.

Toddler soccer: Savannah Celtic Early Goals Fall Season

Wednesday, September 15th, 2010

savannah-celtic-early-goals-1The Fall Early Goals season with Savannah Celtic is growing closer.

Now in its 8th season, ’Early Goals’ is a fun, action-packed soccer program specifically designed to cater for the youngest players ages 2 to 4. Coaches will work on simple motor skills, ball familiarity and hopefully plant the seed for a lifetime of enjoyment. The season ends with a scrimmage and selection of fun activities. Every session will be overseen by one of our professional club coaches. Cost: $55 for a 6 week session and includes a ’Hoopie’ T-Shirt. To register, click here.

Wed. 5-5:45 PM Sep. 22 to Oct. 27 Salvation Army at 3000 Bee Rd
Tues. 3-3:45 PM Sept. 28 to Nov. 2 St. Andrew’s School
Thurs. 9-9:45 AM Sept. 30 to Nov. 4 Salvation Army at 3000 Bee Rd
Tues. 5-5:45 PM Oct. 5 to Nov. 9 The Landings
Thurs. 10-10:45 AM Oct. 7 to Nov 11 Southbridge Soccer Field
Tues. 9-9:45 AM Oct. 12 to Nov. 16 Wilmington Island Concord Field
Mon. 5:30-6:15 PM Oct. 18 to Nov. 22 Salvation Army at 3000 Bee Rd

La Dee Da children’s boutique moves to new Rincon location

Monday, September 13th, 2010

la-dee-da-final-9-10La Dee Da children’s boutique is happy to announce their upcoming move and expansion.

La Dee Da will open their doors to the public on Mon. Sept. 20 in the new location in Rincon.

You’ll find hundreds of new items and several new lines to La Dee Da’s inventory to include brands like See Kai Run, Rosalina, Biscotti, Petit Ami, Tommy Tickle, iT! denim, Baby Aspen, Baby Legs, Amercan Collectibles, Taggies, Little Things Mean A Lot christening apparel, Tommy Tickle, Rileyroos, Isobella and Chloe, Kalencom, and so much more!

La Dee Da also carries an entire line of dancewear and Babies Go – lullabies to the music ofartists like Michael, Jackson, Aerosmith and Beyonce! For the classic child or the fashion forward, La Dee Da has something for every taste and style. They’ve added a children’s lounge and many other new and exciting features to the boutique to make La Dee Da a shopping experience like no other!

La Dee Da looks forward to serving you and your child..

La Dee Da will be in The Quarters at Waterford across from Glaze Beauty Boutique and next to Britt’s Dance Company on Hwy 21. Visit for more information or call 912-295-5470 or find La Dee Da on Facebook! Store hours: Mon.-Fri. 10am-6pm and Sat 10am-3 pm

Affordable smocked children’s holiday dresses, outfits at Dolcemia Clothing

Sunday, September 12th, 2010

dolcemia-monogram-dressdolcemia-smocked-christmas-dressDolcemia Clothing is an upscale but AFFORDABLE online boutique where you can find unique and adorable hand-smocked dresses and smocked outfits for babies, girls and boys, monogram dresses and Dolcemia’s newest line of the cutest hand-appliqued knitted outfits for babies.

dolcemia-logo-1Dolcemia Clothing offers a variety of fine children’s clothing for certain holidays including smocked Christmas dresses, smocked Thanksgiving dresses, pumpkin set sweater/pants, monogram Christmas dresses, smocked pumpkin dresses and jon-jons.

Dolcemia Clothing takes pride of the quality of all their products and will gladly answer any of your questions. View more examples of the beautiful clothing by clicking here.

Grandparents’ Discounts at Just for Baby & More

Sunday, September 12th, 2010

just-for-baby-more-ferst-donorIn honor of this past weekend’s Grandparents Day, Just for Baby and More at 7701 Waters Ave. Savannah will  increase their normally 15 percent Grandparent discount to 25 percent.   Grandparents are invited to come in, share a story or photograph of their grandchild or grandchildren, enjoy some refreshments in a relaxed environment and get some great deals, free gift wrapping and even shipping options. To receive the discount, just bring in a photo of your grandchild. For more info, call 912-355-4455. FREE and open to the public.

For other activities happening this week in Savannah, Bluffton, Hilton Head Is, click here.

Giveaway: $25 gift certificate to Bottoms Up, a new Savannah cloth diapers resource

Sunday, September 12th, 2010

bottoms-up-cloth-diaper-serviceBottoms Up is the newest cloth diaper resource in the Savannah area. This week you can win a $25 gift certificate to Bottoms Up!

Bottoms Up carries several styles of cloth diapers and accessories. New to cloth diapering? No problem! Bottoms Up specializes in private consultations in your home, or invite some friends and host a diaper show. Hosts get a free gift!

To enter to win the $25 gift certificate, visit the Bottoms Up Facebook page by clicking here, “like” the page and write a comment answering this question, “Do you or would you cloth diaper? Why or why not?”

Deadline to enter is Sun. Sept. 19. We’ll announce the winner here.

Bottoms Up,, Contact Michelle Terhune at 912-658-6229 or via email: Visit Bottoms Up on Facebook by clicking here.

SouthernMamas receive discount on Thirty-One products, shows

Saturday, September 11th, 2010

thirty-one-ad-231-logo Thirty-One celebrates, encourages and rewards women through offering quality products and an outstanding opportunity to become successful business owners. The products are exclusive to Thirty-One, which provides style and convenience at an amazingly affordable price.

From Thirty-One’s key product line, to their “direction” line for teens, or uniquely crafted “31kid” line for children and moms, you will find so many options to fit every personality type and every situation. Thirty-One continues to develop new products built on the idea that products must be stylish, functional, affordable and easy to give as gifts to encourage someone special.

Local Thirty-One consultant Tracy Jones is offering a SouthernMamas special: anyone that books a show in September receives an additional $10 hostess credit towards product at their show! Click here to view the online catalog. Tracy does catalog shows as well as in-home shows.

Savannah art show “Four Squared” showcases work by local artists-mothers

Saturday, September 11th, 2010

artists-mothers-showYou’re invited to view a Savannah art show that addresses the experience of making art amongst the chaos of raising young children.

Works by four artist-mothers will be showcased in Four Squared, an exhibition that will be at the City of Savannah’s Gallery S.P.A.C.E. 9 W. Henry St. Sept. 17-Oct. 29, in conjunction with film screening and parent-child ceramics workshop.

The experience of being a mother is what the artists describe as “the push and pull of motherhood, domesticity and creativity.”

The exhibition showcases work by four Savannah artists – Ashley Waldvogel, Atsuko Smith, Linette Dubois and Melinda Schawel.

In conjunction with the exhibition, a special film screening of Who Does She Think She Is? will be presented on Thursday, October 28 at 7 p.m. The film raises important questions about how art is valued in our culture. A discussion with the artists will follow.

A parent-child handbuilding ceramics workshop will also be offered in conjunction with the show. The workshop will meet four consecutive Saturdays beginning October 2 from 9:30-11 AM. Cost:$50. Space is limited and advance registration is required.

S.P.A.C.E. Gallery, 9 W. Henry St. Gallery hours are 9 AM-5 PM Monday through Friday. Free off-street parking is available. For information, contact 912-651-6783 or visit

In2Books Savannah needs adult volunteer pen pals to help local students

Saturday, September 11th, 2010

in2books-savannahIn2Books Savannah needs 481 volunteer pen pals to help students in 27 Savannah classrooms.

In2Books is an award-winning program that connects students with adult mentors – community members who have agreed to become “Pen Pals.” These generous volunteers provide essential support for the development of our elementary school students’ reading, writing and critical thinking skills, and their direct engagement and assistance in our classrooms is making a substantial difference in the Savannah-Chatham County Public School System.

Visit to sign up. If you have questions, email or find In2Books Savannah on Facebook by clicking here.