Archive for May, 2008

Naptime is the new happy hour

Friday, May 23rd, 2008

naptime-happy-hour.jpgDo you secretly mock mommy-and-me-style music classes? Moms who scrapbook? Or hipster parents who are just too cool?

Do you suspect that moms who say their kids watch absolutely NO TV are, indeed, lying?

Then you might enjoy the latest mommy lit offering by Stefanie Wilder-Taylor: Naptime is the New Happy Hour: and Other Ways Toddlers Turn Your Life Upside Down.

Wilder-Taylor, whose first book was Sippy Cups Are Not For Chardonnay, takes on the trend of moms who do everything they can- including lie – to appear to be superparents in the eyes of others.

Wilder-Taylor, mother of three, shares her irreverent take on parenting, including making fun of parents like me who made our own baby food and schlep our kids to Kindermusik. Hmmm. This read might hurt a little. But if you can’t laugh at yourself…

At least, the book makes a good gift for that first-time mom who feels overwhelmed by the new world of pseudo superparents she just entered. And serves as a painful mirror for the rest of us.

Pass the chardonnay, please.