Archive for the ‘Drive-In Movie Theaters’ Category

Summer 2015 Fun List for Savannah & the Lowcountry

Thursday, June 4th, 2015

Summer Kids' Events Savannah Hilton Head

$1 kids’ weekday movies; camps & waterparks; free library shows & science programs; free spray pools; best daytrips & beaches; drive-in movies; indoor inflatable play center weekday specials; neighborhood pools that are open to non-resident members.

We’ve got all that & more in our Summer Fun 2015 List for Savannah & the Lowcountry area.

To see our favorite summertime events in Savannah & the Lowcountry, visit our Summer 2015 Fun List by clicking here.

To see the complete list of local kid-friendly happenings (including regular weekend & weekday kids’ events) visit our Events Calendarby clicking here.