(Savannah Summer Camps 2024) Full-Day Camp for rising K-8th graders @ Camp Moon River @ Savannah Country Day School

Camp Moon River Summer Camp 2024, Savannah
Our exciting summer day camp is designed specifically for children in grades K-8!
Our day program offers a unique ” overnight feel” to make your child’s experience even
more memorable.
Every day, we plan various activities and adventures to ensure your child has the time
of their life. Our campers explore their creativity through engaging arts and crafts
sessions and embark on thrilling adventures, including trails, team building, campfires,
GAGA, and much more!
We also have a variety of games that encourage teamwork and sportsmanship, as well
as waterslides that provide a refreshing break from the summer heat.
Your child will have endless opportunities at our camp to learn, grow, and have fun!
Register online here.
Learn more about Camp Moon River here.
Discount for Camp Moon River are listed as you register
Camp Moon River is a SouthernMamas.com advertiser