Hilton Head Lantern Parade 2023

Make plans to check out the 2023 Hilton Head Island Lantern Parade on Sat. Nov. 18, 2023.
This free event starts @ sunset about 5:45PM and runs from Alder Lane-South Forest Beach to Lowcountry Celebration Park on Hilton Head Is.
The only requirement to participate is having a lantern. Lineup for the parade begins at 5PM at the Alder Lane Beach Access. The parade starts 5:45 PM, right after sunset, and travesl north along South Forest Beach up to Coligny Beach Park.
Spectators can watch along the beach anywhere between Alder Lane and Coligny Beach Park.
Learn more here.
Find free lantern making workshops on Nov. 14 & 15 that are open to the public here.
Tell them SouthernMamas.com sent you.