(Savannah spring festivals 2022) Bug Fest @ Savannah Children’s Museum

Bug Fest @ Savannah Children’s Museum
Savannah Children’s Museum invites the public to attend Bug Fest, the annual family-friendly celebration buzzing with bug-themed crafts, activities and workshops. The event will be Sat. April 23 2022, 10AM-1PM @ Savannah Children’s Museum, 655 Louisville Rd. Savannah.
Learn about the importance of bees and other natural pollinators with the Coastal Empire Beekeepers Association, enter the Insectarium with Georgia Southern University’s Armstrong Campus Entomology class, learn about insectivores with Oatland Island Wildlife Center and enjoy bug-themed yoga with Savannah Yoga Center.
Savannah Children’s Museum educators will also deliver exciting programs and activities, such as the eat-a-bug club, insect activities and many other creepy-crawly programs throughout the day.
Food trucks will be on Sugar Beet Bluff picnic area, just outside of Savannah Children’s Museum’s entrance with food available for purchase.
Admission to Bug Fest is included in the cost of regular admission to Savannah Children’s Museum, $10 for all guests 18 months and older. This event is FREE for Coastal Heritage Society members. Find museum membership info here.
Purchase your Bug Fest tickets online here.
Coastal Heritage Society is a SouthernMamas.com advertiser