(Savannah schools) St. Andrew’s announces new head coach for Girls Varisty Volleyball
St. Andrew’s School on Wilmington Is. is pleased to announce the selection of Teri D. Scott as the new head coach for Girls Varsity Volleyball.
Coach Scott recently moved from Petaluma, California, bringing 16 years of year-round volleyball coaching experience to the position in addition to classroom teaching experience at the high school level.
Scott is an All-American Division I full scholarship collegiate volleyball player with a degree in Art History from UC Berkeley. After graduation, she moved to Paris France where she played professional volleyball for the Racing Club de France. She competed in the Euro and French Cups, winning the French Cup with an impressive undefeated season.
Scott will also serve as the Middle School Director of Athletics and assist with teaching physical education classes in the fall.
St. Andrew’s is an independent International Baccalaureate World School for students in Pre-K3 through grade 12 located on Wilmington Island in Savannah. Learn more here.