(Savannah Homeschool Resources) Online Lowcountry Homeschool Solutions Parents’ Group
Lowcountry Homeschool Solutions Facebook group
Discover creative and informative solutions to problems that homeschooling families may face.
Join this new Facebook group – Lowcountry Homeschool Solutions – to connect with certified teachers and other members to get the most out of your school year.
Advanced Academics in Pooler hosts this group to help parents with practical, fun solutions including topics like subject matter, learning techniques and motivation.
The goal is to have dialogue between group members and find solutions to help build a supportive community around your homeschooled students.
Join the online group here.
About Advanced Academics
Advanced Academics in Pooler provides education services for early learners and homeschoolers.
Homeschool: Advanced Academics provides learning experiences for your homeschool student in the core subjects of reading, writing, and math. While on campus, students have a three-hour block with qualified teachers, leaving the rest of the school day for parent-led learning in science, social studies, and specials. Learn more here.
Early Learners: Choose from AM (7:45-11:15) or PM (12:15-3:45) sessions that take place in Advanced Academics’ Early Learning Studio with a 12:1 student-to-teacher ratio. Learn more here.
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