Georgia Historical Society Resources To Support At-Home Learning
Georgia Historical Society Resources to Support At-Home Learning
The Georgia Historical Society invites you to explore the wide variety of online resources available through the GHS website and then join them on social media for updates and highlighted content.
Also, sign up for Headlines, their in-house newsletter thats mailed weekly throughout this national emergency. Resources are updated regularly. Educators are invited to contact GHS Education Coordinator, Lisa Landers, to get connected to more student-focused resources and join their education network.
Family Friendly Historical Marker Resources
Roadside historical markers can be found throughout the State of Georgia. Erected over the past seventy years, Georgia’s markers reflect a variety of topics as well as a variety of authors. Typically around 130 words (excluding titles and “erected by” language) markers allow visitors and residents to learn about a person, place, or event that helped shape Georgia’s history.
The Georgia Historical Marker Program consists of over 2,100 historical markers across the state. You can explore all markers in the Georgia Historical Marker Program through GHS’s online marker database. By following this link, you can search by marker program, subject, location, time period, and more.
Beyond the Text: Using Historical Markers to Explore Georgia History
Create Your Own Georgia Historical Marker!
Marker Monday: World Record Bass
Online Georgia Historical Marker Scavenger Hunt: Georgia’s Recreational Pastimes
Free Digital Resources for Georgia’s Students:
Digital Education for Georgia’s Students: Newspapers in Education resources explore topics that are timely and relevant to Georgia and American history.
Digital Resources for Georgia’s Students: Featured Historical Figures pages explore the stories of individuals from Georgia’s past.
Digital Resources for Georgia’s Students: Today in Georgia History is an award-winning educational project that focuses on an historical event or person associated with a particular day in Georgia history
Digital Resources for Georgia’s Students: Georgia History Webquest is a resource for students, teachers, or anyone who just wants to brush up on your Georgia history. This Webquest makes for an engaging learning opportunity.