(Savannah Piano Lessons) Kindermusik now offering beginner piano lessons for children
Kindermusik Savannah with 88 Keys is thrilled to announce that they are now offering beginner piano lessons at their music studio, 88 Keys Piano, and spaces are almost full.
Children ages 6+ now have a chance to get a strong start in music and study an instrument in a fun, engaging, one-on-one environment.
Only a few spaces left on Mondays and Saturdays. Apply your child today at 88keyspiano.com or email info@88keyspiano.com.
FREE Month of Kindermusik Savannah classes
Be sure to enroll your special needs child by May 31 at kindermusikwith88keys.com to win a free month of Kindermusik classes and materials in June. Two winners will be selected on May 31.
Kindermusik…a good beginning never ends.
Kindermusik Savannah, kindermusikwith88keys.com, email music@kindermusikwith88keys.com or info@kindermusikwith88keys.com, 912.988.KEYS (5397) Kindermusik is a SouthernMamas.com advertiser