Art Start: Stroller & Toddler Tours @ Telfair Museums Jepson Center, Savannah
Start your day with art and history in Savannah with the monthly Art Start Stroller & Toddler Tour.
Telfair Museums’ youngest patrons are invited to the Jepson Center for story time, a special tour, and an art activity related to the exhibition “Summon the Sea: Contemporary Artists & Moby Dick” on view now at the Jepson Center.
Strollers, crying babies, toddlers, and older siblings are all welcome.
Register online here.
Cost. $5 per child
Adult members free / Adult non-members $12
Art Start Toddler Tour
Thurs. Nov. 14, 2019
Jepson Center for the Arts
207 W York St.
Savannah, Georgia 31401
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