Savannah schools: Calvary Day School welcomes new Lower School assistant principal

Savannah schools Calvary Day School

Calvary Day School in Savannah welcomes Joseph Almeida as the new assistant principal of the Lower School at Calvary.

Almeida has experience as a teacher, coach, and administrator in Tennessee, Brazil, South Carolina, and now Georgia.  He went to Brazil on a mission trip and was there for seven years. Almeida served as a teacher and later became the elementary principal at School of the Nations in Brasilia, Brazil.  He, his wife, Kathleen, and their children live in Bluffton, SC.

John 15:12 is a verse Almedia tries to live by every day: “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you”.

Calvary Day School is a Pre-K through 12th grade private, Christian school in Savannah.

Campus Tours

Campus tours of Calvary Day School are by appointment and are offered Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays throughout the school year.

Please call the admissions department at (912) 351-0700 or email to schedule your tour.

Learn more about Calvary Day School at


Calvary Day School, 4625 Waters Ave., Savannah 31404, Lower School tel: 912-351-2299; Upper School tel: 912-644-5080 email On Facebook here. On Twitter here.  Follow Calvary Day School on Instagram here.  Calvary Day School is a advertiser

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