Savannah Book Festival 2019 children’s event featuring bestselling author Kwame Alexander & more
As you know, the beloved free, fall Savannah Children’s Book Festival in Forsyth Park was cancelled this year after the City of Savannah revised their festival grant funding.
But Live Oak Public Libraries and Savannah Book Festival will present an alternative children’s event at the 2019 Savannah Book Festival on Sun. Feb. 17 at 1PM in Reynolds Square. The SBF Children’s Tent, which will feature author appearances, activities and book-signings, will be sponsored by Live Oak Public Libraries and Live Oak Public Libraries Foundation.
While appreciates this children’s tent with author visits, we hope the original, full, one-day Savannah Children’s Book Festival will return to Forsyth Park in Fall 2019.
“We are excited to host the SBF Children’s Tent this year,” said Savannah Book Festival Board President Beau Anders. “We strongly believe in the importance of the event for the library and literacy in our community.” Anders said that SBF was looking forward to collaborating with LOPL in February as both organizations are committed to promoting reading for all ages in the community.
“It is with great excitement that Live Oak Public Libraries, with the generous support of the Library Foundation, will be partnering with the Savannah Book Festival to incorporate a children’s event in February of 2019,” stated Charlotte Welch, Chair, Regional Board of Library Trustees. “The event will continue the Library’s goal of promoting children’s literacy in our communities and we look forward to our joint venture with this popular and educational festival.”
Featured authors scheduled to appear in the SBF Children’s Tent are:
Kwame Alexander, Newbery Medal winner
Jessica Kensky and Patrick Downes, New York Times Best Sellers
Michael Patrick O’Neill, World Press Photo award-winning wildlife photographer
Javaka Steptoe, Caldecott Medal winner
Additional activities include book-signings, celebrity storytimes, music, and arts and crafts for kids. The SBF Children’s Tent is free and open to the public.