Parent & Me Summer Fun: Kindermusik Savannah early childhood music program

kindermusik savannah parent and me

Looking for a beneficial, delightful, and heart warming activity that you can do together WITH your little ones this summer?

Wanting to give your 0-7 year old an early love and appreciation for music?

Looking for a high-energy, neighborhood-feel musical family where you AND your child can make new friends?

Join a Kindermusik class with 88 Keys Piano in Savannah and experience what 99.9% of our families say they would recommend to their friends.

Visit and ask about their introductory free class! 912-988-KEYS.

Kindermusik…a good beginning never ends.

Kindermusik Savannah,,  email or, 912.988.KEYS (5397) Kindermusik is a advertiser

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