Register now: Old Fort Jackson Family Campover 2016
Registration is open for Old Fort Jackson’s annual Family Campover March 4-5 2016.
Spend the night in Georgia’s oldest brick fort. Children will train as soldiers from the American Revolution and participate in a reenactment of the 1778 Battle of Savannah. Adults will train as Civil War soldiers and learn the drill for the 12 lb. howitzer, the fort’s historic cannon, plus fire the weapon. Dinner, snacks and breakfast will be provided.
Click here to register. Registration is limited to 80 participants.
PRICING (Includes all activities and food):
Adults (Ages 16+) $65**
Children (Ages 4-15) $45
** Activities for adult participants (ages 16 and up) will include training with and firing historical black powder weaponry which is reflected in this pricing structure.
This event is NOT appropriate for children younger than 4 years of age.
Old Fort Jackson
1 Fort Jackson Road
Savannah, GA 31404
Coastal Heritage Society manages Old Fort Jackson, a historic fort located on the Savannah River three miles east of downtown Savannah,, Coastal Heritage Society is a advertiser