Giveaway: $25 gift certificate to High Cotton Kids upscale Savannah consignment sale, Feb. 25-27
(UPDATE: The winner of the $25 gift certificate is Rachel Strickland! Congratulations Rachel!)
This week, a reader will win a $25 gift certificate to High Cotton Kids 2016 Spring/Summer consignment event, held Feb. 25-27 in Savannah.
Come check out the event at 2104 East Victory Drive (former location of CVS Pharmacy, behind Starbucks).
To enter to win, visit High Cotton Kids Facebook page here. Then, answer this question on their FB wall: What bargain do you most hope to find at this season’s HCK sale? (e.g. Easter outfit, bathing suit, maternity clothes, a stroller, bike, a great deal on a boutique item from a local vendor). Deadline to enter is 9 PM Sun. Feb. 21st. We’ll pick a name at random & announce it here.
Come shop consignment at its finest. High Cotton Kids is THE place to save a lot of money, make a lot of money and have a great time doing both! Savannah’s biggest upscale resale shopping event will include high-end boutique children’s brand clothing sizes 0-12 and many other items. There will also be a variety of new merchandise from several local vendors. Get ready to rack up on all your favorite children’s brands at a fraction of the retail price. There is something for everybody’s taste and budget from adorable smocked frocks to funky threads to even high cotton play clothes your kids will love to throw on all spring and summer.
Do you want to shop early for the best selection? Come to Shop for a Cause Presale on Thurs. Feb. 25 from 5-6PM. High Cotton Kids is partnering with The Next Generation for the Children’s Hospital at Memorial and the Humane Society of Greater Savannah. Please bring a $5 cash donation and shop one hour early, before the show opens to the public.
Consignor registration is open now through Sunday, Feb. 21. Clean out and cash in, consignors keep 60-70% of your sales! Bring your gently loved children’s items to our consignment showroom and let us do the selling. High Cotton Kids also accepts high-end maternity clothing, children’s furniture, artwork, baby and nursery necessities (e.g. bouncers, exercausers, etc.), strollers, toys, books, DVDs and more. For a complete list of items that HCK accepts and does not accept, click here.
High Cotton Kids Spring and Summer Show Hours
2104 East Victory Drive, Crossroads Shopping Center
Thurs. Feb. 25 5 – 6PM Shop for a Cause Presale –Check the details to shop early! 6– 8PM Open to the public
Fri. Feb. 26 9AM – 5PM Open to the public
Sat. Feb. 27 9AM– 2PM (Select items will be 40% OFF) Open to the public
High Cotton Kids,, email High Cotton Kids is a advertiser