Free ice cream for reciting the Pledge of Allegiance on July 1 & Monday afternoons during July, Savannah
Almost time for I Pledge season @ Leopold’s Ice Cream in downtown Savannah
The I Pledge for Ice Cream Project kicks off July 1 from 4-7pm at Leopold’s Ice Cream with a free child’s scoop of their choice in a cup, cake or sugar cone for any child (12 & younger, accompanied by an adult) who can recite the Pledge of Allegiance from memory.
It’s Leopold’s way to say “Thanks for Your Patriotism!”
After the kick-off, Leopold’s Ice Cream will hold additional I Pledge for Ice Cream events each Monday in July from 4-7PM. The dates are as follows: July 4, 11, 18 & 25.
July 4th will be a special event with I Pledge festivities taking place outside and surprise treats (while they last) for all of the young participants.
Find other participating stores nationwide by clicking here. Don’t see your favorite ice-cream store on this list? Nominate them by clicking here.
Leopold’s Ice Cream, 212 East Broughton St.,, 912-234-4442