Winter Solstice Planetarium shows & more holiday events @ Oatland Island Wildlife Center, Savannah

Oatland Island Wildlife Center Holiday Events Holiday Schedule at Oatland Island Wildlife Center, Savannah

Regular hours: 10AM – 5PM ticket booth closes at 4PM. Grounds must be clear by 5PM

December 21 – Open regular hours
Season of Light: 30 minute programs at 11AM, noon, 1:30, 2:30
Go inside Oatland’s planetarium on the Winter Solstice to learn why this special day has sparked so many cultural festivities. You will explore the annual path of the Earth around the sun and what celestial bodies present themselves this time of year.

Cost: Tickets are $2 beyond the regular admission and can be purchased in the lobby. Program may not be suitable for
children under 3 years old due to fear of the dark.


December 22 and 23 – Open regular hours
Live Animal Encounter 1:30-2:30PM
In this 1-hour animal program you will meet our animal ambassadors and learn how the animals survive in the wild, how they came to Oatland, and how you can help protect them in the future.

Cost: Tickets for this program are only $2 beyond the regular
admission and can be purchased in the lobby.


December 24 and 25 – Closed Merry Christmas!
December 26 and 27 – Open regular hours
Log Cabin Open House 11AM-3PM
Rest your feet on the porch of the log cabin and enjoy the aroma of hearth cooked goodies. Delk Cabin (c. 1830) will be open for exploration and goodie sampling from 11AM-3PM
Live Animal Encounter 1:30-2:30PM
In this 1-hour animal program you will meet animal ambassadors and learn how the animals survive in the wild, how they came to Oatland, and how you can help protect them in the future.

Cost: Tickets for this program are $2 beyond regular admission and can be purchased in the lobby.


December 28 and 29 – Open regular hours
Log Cabin Open House (11AM-3PM) and Cabin Animal Encounter (1:30PM)
Staff will be baking over the hearth of historic Delk cabin (circa 1830s). Try a free sample of a delicious baked good and explore life before electricity. If you make it there by 1:30 pm please come, for a small fee, to cabin stage for a 45 minute live animal encounter. This presentation is all about living with wildlife. Staff will present several of Oatland’s animals that would love to live under your roof if they could.

Cost: Cost of  the animal encounter is $2 beyond regular admission. There is no extra charge to explore the cabins and sample a tasty treat.


December 30 – Open regular hours
Live Animal Encounter 11:00-12:00 and 1:30-2:30
In this 1-hour animal program you will meet animal ambassadors and learn how the animals survive in the wild, how they came to Oatland, and how you can help protect them in the future.

Cost: Tickets for this program are $2 beyond the regular admission and can be purchased in the lobby.

January 1 – Closed Happy New Year!
For directions, regular hours and more information visit

Oatland Island Wildlife Center Wildlife, 711 Sandtown Rd. Savannah, GA, 31410 (912) 395-1212 Driving directions here.

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