A few spots available for FREE State-Funded Pre-K for 2015-16 @ Maggie’s Morning School, Savannah
Maggie’s Morning School in Savannah opened registration this week for the FREE Bright from the Start lottery-funded Pre-K program for the coming school year 2015-2016.
A few Pre-K spots remain but will fill up quickly.
Pre-K registration is taken on a first come first served basis. So please register as early as possible
This free, state-funded Pre-K is open to all children who are 4 years old by Sept. 1.
Parents need to bring proof of birth and proof of residency.
Maggie’s Morning School is open Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. School starts Monday August 10 2015.
For the school year, Maggie’s serves children ages 18 months (by Sept 1) through 3 classes of State-Funded (FREE) Pre-K. Maggie’s Morning School in Savannah offers part-time preschool for 4-year-olds.
Maggie’s currently has ONE Tues/Thursday opening in Preschool (3’s and 4’s) for right now (this current school year)
Call (912) 352-8404 or (912) 352-8065 for more info or click here. Tell them SouthernMamas.com sent you!
Stay connected by “liking” Maggie’s Morning School on Facebook here.
Maggie’s Morning School, 6610 Abercorn St., Savannah, 31405, www.maggiesmorningschool.org, On Facebook here. (912) 352-8404, (912) 352-8065 Maggie’s Morning School is a SouthernMamas.com advertiser