Open holiday studio drop-off & kids’ movie night @ Everyone’s An Artist studio, Pooler
Pooler parents, there’s a new art studio in Pooler: Everyone’s An Artist studio at 115 Canal St. in Pooler.
Bring your kids to check it out this Sat. Dec. 12 for Kids’ Movie & Craft Night. Your kids will enjoy crafts, movie, pizza & fun while you enjoy a childfree night out
Kids’ Movie Night
Saturday, Dec. 12
Crafts, movie, pizza & fun!
Movie: “How to Train Your Dragon”
$30/child or $40/siblings
Call to register. 912-755-4567
Open Studio for Kids
Get your holiday shopping & errands done with the help of Open Studio at Everyone’s An Artist studio. Bring your child in for an hour of fun arts and crafts.
Kids can do supervised art work while you cross items off on your holiday to-do list
Below the December open studio schedule for the studio.
Cost: $15/child for one hour + an art kit
Call to register. 912-755-4567
Monday, Dec. 14th 10-1
Tuesday Dec. 15th 10-1
Thurs. Dec. 17th 10-1
Sunday, Dec. 20th 12-5
Monday, Dec. 21st 12-5
Tues, Dec. 22nd 10-1
Sunday, Dec. 27th 12-5
Monday, Dec. 28th 12-5
Tuesday, Dec. 29th 10-1
Thurs., Dec. 31st 10-1
Adult Paint Night
Adult Painting Night @ Everyone’s An Artist studio is this Friday Dec. 11. You’ll be painting a funky Christmas tree. 6:30-8:30PM, $35/adult. BYOB. Please call to register. 912-755-4567
Everyone’s An Artist studio, 115 Canal St. Pooler, offers group & private art classes, birthday parties, kids’ movie nights, adult art parties & more. On Facebook here. Everyone’s An Artist studio is a advertiser.