Free admission Sept. 5 & 6; 1st full wknd of each mth @ EdVenture Children’s Museum & other nearby museums
The first full weekend of each month means free weekend access to some of nearby museums through Bank of America’s Museums on Us program. Free admission is for the adult cardholder only. Regular admission applies to children and additional guests.
Free Bank of America Museum on Us 2015 dates are Sept. 5 & 6; Oct. 3 & 4; Nov. 7 & 8; Dec. 5 & 6.
Nearby participating museums include:
EdVenture Childrens Museum in Columbia, S.C.
211 Gervais Street
Columbia, SC 29201
See our list of Things To Do in Columbia, SC With Kids by clicking here.
Other participating museums include
Atlanta History Center
High Museum of Art in Atlanta
Tellus Science Museum, Cartersville
The Museum of Science and History in Jacksonville (MOSH), Fla.
Museum of Contemporary Art in Jacksonville, Fla
Who is eligible?
To qualify for Museums on Us, you must be a Bank of America or Merrill Lynch card customer. Simply present your Bank of America or Merrill Lynch credit or debit card along with a photo ID to gain one free general admission to any participating institution. Cardholders only; guests are not eligible for free admission.
When is it available?
With qualifying identification, customers can enjoy free admission on the first full weekend of every month.
For a full list of participating museums, please visit the Museums on Us site.