FREE 2015 Farewhale Festival, March 21, Tybee Is.
Learn more about Right Whales.
Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary and Sea to Shore Alliance will host the 2nd annual FareWhale Festival at the Tybee Pier & Pavilion on March 21, Noon-4 PM.
Come & celebrate the calving season for the critically endangered North Atlantic Right Whale as they begin to leave our coastal waters to make their way north off the coast of New England.
Experience the trials and tribulations these whales encounter in our Right Whale obstacle course. Learn more about whales from experts and educators in the field. Enjoy artwork created by artists from the Tybee Arts Association. Partake in a guided beach walk with Cathy Sakas on the shores of Tybee. Help keep Tybee beautiful by volunteering for a beach cleanup with Tybee Beautification Association held from 10am-12pm.
“Like” Gray’s Reef on Facebook here .
Tybee Pier is at 1401 Strand, Tybee Island, Georgia 31328