FREE Family Day Nov. 1 @ Jepson Center, Savannah
You’re invited to Free Family Day: Nov. 1, 1–4 pm, Jepson Center, 207 W. York. St., Savannah
This program is free and open to the public. Funded by Georgia Power and AGL Resources.
*Major funding by the City of Savannah Department of Cultural Affairs.
November Family Day:
Nov. 1
Deep River
Jepson Center
Families are invited to explore Whitfield Lovell’s earthy installations, participate in storytelling, create drawings on objects in the museum studios, and see demonstrations by local artists who incorporate historical themes in their work.
December Family Day
Dec. 6
Make Your Mark
Jepson Center
This program includes art-making activities for families and a demonstration by longtime I Have Marks to Make artist and teacher Kenneth Martin.
Register with Kip Bradley at
Jepson Center, 207 W York St. Savannah, 31401 , Telfair Museums is a advertiser.