Drum & Guitar Lessons, Savannah
Experienced musician Ira Miller in Savannah is accepting new students starting June 10th!
Offering lessons drums (beginner and intermediate), guitar (beginner), and ear training and basic theory.
Ira’s approach is more than just playing the instrument. It’s about connecting with music through various exercises and methods such as listening to samples of various styles or learning rhythms by clapping to different beats.
Ira Miller has over 5 years teaching experience and has a received a BFA in Music from the California Institute of the Arts in Valencia, CA.
Accepting students ages 8 and up. $25/half hour & $45/hour.
Please visit www.iradmillermusic.com to hear sound clips of Ira’s performances to get a better idea of his playing background.
Ira Miller, email irdami@me.com , tel. 323-206-8943, www.iradmillermusic.com Ira Miller is a SouthernMamas.com advertiser