FREE Admission: Coastal Wetlands Day @ Oatland Is. Wildlife Center, Savannah
Oatland Island Wildlife Center will have free admission this Sat. May 18 for “Coastal Wetlands Day”.
This day will offer visitors fun and educational opportunities to learn about Georgia’s coastal resources with a special emphasis on coastal wetlands. The “Coastal Ark” from Georgia’s Coastal Resources Division of the Department of Natural Resources will be on hand and open for exploration.
Oatland’s Marine Monitoring Lab and Ledbetter Pond Learning Station will have activities that teach about fresh and salt water wetlands and their inhabitants.
Visitors can get free installation of turtle excluder devices on their crab traps so that they can help protect the Diamondback Terrapin-our only native brackish water turtle, while fishing for blue crabs this season. There will also be lessons on throwing a cast net and fishing for blue crab among other activities.
More info at