School Start Times: New Bell Times for 2012-13 Savannah-Chatham Schools
Just a reminder: Savannah-Chatham public school start times are a bit different for the 2012-2013 School Year. Check out the times above.
The bell schedule is separated by school levels and includes a different tier for each grouping based on elementary, K-8 Schools, Middle and High.
School starts in Savannah-Chatham County on Mon. Aug. 27, 2012.
Bell time change for May Howard and Hodge
District officials approved this new bell schedule for schools earlier this summer, but parent groups from May Howard and Hodge asked that their school bell times be changed.
Instead of starting at 9:15 a.m. and getting out of school at 4:10 p.m., those schools will start earlier in the morning and release students earlier in the afternoon. Hodge parents complained that working parents need to drop their children off at school as early as 7 a.m. but there is no supervision at that time. May Howard parents complained that the late release time conflicts with after school activities.
Healthy School Start Times
If you think middle and high schools are starting too early, check out a growing grassroots coalition working for safe, healthy school hours for all students at and their online petition ( ).